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Kvasir is a god of Norse mythology. He was created from the saliva of all the gods, making him the wisest of the Vanir, but was quickly murdered by Fjalar and Galar, two dwarven brothers, in their cavern. They mixed his blood with honey and preserved it; the blood fermented into the Mead of Poetry. Later, they killed Gillingr and his wife.

According to Gylfaginning, it was Kvasir who suggested to the other gods that a net be used to catch Loki who had jumped into the river in the form of a salmon in order to escape punishment for his murder of Baldr.

[edit] Popular culture

Like some other Norse mythology, Kvasir has shown up in popular culture, most notably in the Fresno, California band Tree Wizard's song, "Kvasir's Mead of Poetry and is the name of a Norwegian search engine.