Kushiel's Scion

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Kushiel's Scion
First edition cover of the book
First edition cover
Author Jacqueline Carey
Cover artist John Jude Palencar
Country United States
Language English
Series Imriel Trilogy
Genre(s) Fantasy novel
Publisher Warner Books
Publication date 12 June 2006
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 768 pp (first edition, hardback)
ISBN ISBN 0-446-50002-X (first edition, hardback)
Preceded by Kushiel's Avatar
Followed by Kushiel's Justice

Kushiel's Scion is the 2006 novel by Jacqueline Carey, following on from the Kushiel's Legacy trilogy (Kushiel's Dart, Kushiel's Chosen, and Kushiel's Avatar). It is the first part of the Imriel Trilogy, followed by Kushiel's Justice and the upcoming Kushiel's Mercy (June 2008).


[edit] Imriel de la Courcel

Imriel de la Courcel nó Montrève is the son of the great-uncle of the D'Angeline Queen Ysandre de la Courcel. His mother, Melisande Shahrizai, is a traitor who twice attempted to seize the D'Angeline throne, once with the help of his father, Benedicte de la Courcel. Rescued from slavery by Phèdre nó Delaunay and her consort Joscelin Verreuil in Kushiel's Avatar, he is formally adopted into House Montrève, and begins to understand his history, and that of his blood relatives.

[edit] Plot summary

To find his lost mother, the mission of his foster mother and his own personal quest, he must discover who trained Phèdre nó Delaunay's mentor, Anafiel Delaunay.

[edit] The Royal Prince

The first book in this series begins with Imriel, at age fourteen, learning that his mother, Melisande Shahrizai has vanished from the Temple of the Asherat-of-the-Sea in La Serenissima. Instead of spending his summer at Montrève, he is summoned to court, where he meets his Shahrizai kin, who will foster with him come the following summer. The Queen is convinced that Imriel has not been told or given any information from his mother as to where she is. We learn that Sidonie de la Courcel and Alais have grown. Alais remains as a sister to him but Sidonie, the Dauphine Heir, is cold and un-trusting of him.

Imriel is also given a tour of his holdings, none of which he has ever seen and are run by the local factors on his behalf. One of his holdings, Lombelon, was inherited by his mother, who took it from Isidore d'Aiglemort. There he sees a beautiful young man a year or two older than himself cutting hedges. He learns that this young man is extremely bitter and asks him why. The boy, Maslin, replies that the territory should be his but was instead given to Imriel, the spawn of traitor. Imriel invesitgates his claims and finds that Maslin is the illelgitmate child of Isidore d'Aiglemort. D'Aiglemort had no other children and was going to give his lands to Maslin, but died before he could do so at the Battle of of Troyes-Le-Mont. Imriel then takes it upon himself to right this wrong; he gets all the necessary paperwork done and to give Lombelon to Maslin. Phèdre asks Imriel if he really wants to do this, warning him that this may not make Maslin happy and could still fester. Imriel still gives Lombelon to Maslin. Maslin does not know what to say but Imriel is just happy he could right a wrong wrought by his parents.

In the summer, Mavros, Baptitse, and Roshana come to foster at the Montreve estate, where Imriel learns more about the Kusheline side of himself. When Imriel turns sixteen, he spends a night at Balm House, at the urging of Phèdre, for the traditional celebration of a sixteenth birthday at the Night Court. The same year, Eamonn mac Grainne, son of Grainne and Quintilus Rousse, comes to foster at the Montrève residence, where Imriel and Eamonn become good friends. Imri becomes close enough to Eamonn to tell him the horrors of Darsanga. When Eamonn leaves, he makes Imri promise to come visit him in Tiberium, where he will be studying at the university.

At a royal hunting party all of the family and most nobles are in attendance. They are hunting a wild boar when Sidonie's horse rears and charges off, carrying Sidonie. Imri follows and when Sidonie is thrown from the horse, he dismouts to help her up. Imri hears rustling in the bushes and fears it is the angry boar. He dives on top of Sidonie to save her life, only to have the animal that leaves the bushes to turn out to be a deer. Sidonie is exceptionally shocked but breaks out in laughter at Imri's face and the fact that it turned out to be a deer. Alais' beloved dog, however, is badly hurt by the boar. Imri stiches the dog right there and ends up saving his life. He then affectionately jokes that he is "Imriel: saviour of dogs, protector from deer." This event causes a change in Sidonie as she realizes that she can trust Imriel and that he does not desire the throne over her.

When Imriel turns eighteen, many things change. Prince Talorcan, Drustan's nephew and heir apparent, come to visit, bringing Princess Dorelei with them. It becomes apparent that as much as Drustan would like to name Alais as his heir, he cannot without risking another civil war. If Alais were to wed Talorcan, she would rule at his side but their children wouldn't inherit the throne as Alba works by matrilineal succession. However, if Imri were to wed Dorelei, his son would become Cruarch and Terre d'Ange's influence in Alba would not wane. When Imri learns this, he confides in Mavros. Meanwhile, it seems that Sidonie is beginning to get a crush on Imriel. While he makes no active moves and she is very covert in her desires, both know and feel them. They also know that a relationship between them can never be, given Imriel's parents and recent history. Also, Sidonie has been having an affair with the head of her guard, Maslin of Lombelon. Maslin dislikes Imriel, making the feeling mutual, and they must struggle to remain cordial to one other and not get into a fight.

Imriel begins to feel lost and confused between Sidonie's crush on him, his dislike for Maslin, and his duty to Terre d'Ange by wedding Dorelei. So Mavros and his cousins decide to braid Imri's hair and take him to Valerian House, where he finally releases his long-held and feared desires for kinky pleasures. This throws him all into turmoil but is not a negative experience. After returning home though, he can no longer look at Phèdre because is an anguissette, and leaves the house to drink himself into a stupor. Joscelin goes with him as more of a protector than a comfort. This lasts for at least a couple of days.

[edit] Tiberium

Imriel then decides he needs some distance and decides to follow in Eamonn's footsteps by studying at the University of Tiberium. After packing lightly, Imri and Gilot, his man at arms, travel to Tiberium to seek knowledge and learning. Imriel decides that he doesn't want to be known as a prince of the realm, and is known only as Imriel nó Montreve. He shares his building with many families and there is a friendly homeless philosopher, Canis, who lives in front of his place. Canis gives Imriel a necklace with the symbol of lighthouse which signifies a philosophy school, telling him to wear it, which Imriel humours him by wearing.

Imriel and Gilot find Eamonn by chance, and Imri studies with him under Master Piero. Imriel also asks around the University where one might learn the arts of covertcy. Lucius, a fellow student, invites Imriel to a play, where he meets his sister, Claudia Fulvia and her husband, Deccus Fulvis (a Tiberian senator). During the play, Claudia toys with Imriel and seduces him, promising him more in the future. This leads to a heady affair between the two, with the revelation of the Unseen Guild. Claudia reveals to him that she has the status of journeyman in the Unseen Guild and that her job is to try to get him to join the Guild. During the following months, while Claudia and Imriel conduct their affair, Claudia slowly teaches Imriel the arts of covertcy. She reveals that Delaunay had been asked as well but that he had refused because he would have to swear loyalty to the Guild, which would supersede his loyalty to Prince Rolande.

A riot ensues after the senate declares that the funding to the University is to be cut off, and Imriel, Eamonn, Brigitta (a Skaldic fellow student and love interest of Eamonn), Lucius da Lucca, and Gilot get trapped in it. An attempt is made on Imriel's life, and Gilot is trampled. Gilot is taken to the Temple of Asclepius, where the priests would heal his broken and battered body. There he is told that the necklace that Canis has given him has secret writing on the side of it, indicating that he is protected. He also learns that the symbol on it is in fact that of the Unseen Guild and not the philosophical school of thought. When Imriel returns to his apartment Canis can not be found.

Imriel also discovers that Bernadette de Trevalion hired a hit man to kill him during the riots. Imriel decides to go to Bernadette's agent, Ruggero Caccini, and acquires enough information that he could blackmail the Trevalion household if he wanted later on.

While visiting Gilot at the Temple of Asclepius, a priest approaches Imriel and asks him to stay the night, to let Asclepius guide his dreams. In his dream, Asclepius tells him that the power to heal lies within himself, and that "even a stunted tree reaches for sunlight". When Imriel awakens, a revelation comes to him, and he decides to go home after Lucius' wedding to Helena (the daughter of the Prince of Lucca) and marry Dorelei.

[edit] Lucca

Before departing for Lucca, Imriel and Gilot travel to the isle of Asclepius to unbind Gilot's splintered hand, and get a final health assessment (Gilot had some ribs broken, and if he was to engage in physical exertion, a bone fragment may puncture his lung). Upon reaching Lucca, disaster had struck. The bride-to-be had been kidnapped, her lover killed, and Lucius becomes possessed with the ghost of his great grandfather, Gallus Tadius (Leader of the Red Scourge, a mercenary company). Imriel manages to rescue the bride but cuts off the assailant's hand in the process.

While all of Imriel's friends manage to leave Lucca on the grounds of non-combatants and foreign citizens, Imriel can not. The leader of the attackers insists that if Imriel wants to leave he must pay the same price, the loss of his hand. The D'Angeline host that is negotiating on his behalf refuses and Imriel himself refuses. So Lucca comes under siege with Imriel trapped inside.

During the ensueing battle for control of Lucca, Gilot dies trying to protect Imriel and the townsfolk. Canis also bizzarely appears and helps with the forces fighting the siege. During the siege, Canis saves Imriel's life by jumping in the way of a thrown spear that would have surely killed Imriel otherwise. While dieing, Canis whispers to Imriel "your mother loves you" with his dying breath. Imriel takes this to confirm that Canis was not really a philosopher but a member of the Unseen Guild sent by Melisande to guard Imriel. Under the command of Gallus Tadius, Lucca emerges victorious and Imriel is escorted to Terre d'Ange safely.

[edit] External links