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[edit] Krozar: The Rapist of Narutomania
The Early Days of Interneting
Krozar began the online journey in 1991 using a 2400 baud modem and a 8088 computer with a 20mb HDD. in 1992 Krozar began his first bbs called Message Mania using a 14.4baud modem running Illusion software followed by Telegard running on MS-DOS 4.7.
Krozar heavily got into Tradewars 2002 around 1992, playing sometimes 7 hours at a time including playing a multi-player RPG called Crossroads for Major_BBS system.
In around 1993 Krozar began using Telnet as a means of playing MUDs (Mutli-User Dungeon) such as MajorMUD and Tradewars 2002. By this time Krozar was running a custom 386DX, 44 megahertz processor, 4 megabytes of RAM and a 80 megabyte hard drive.
A bit later the infamous Mosaic web browser came out which added the World Wide Web to the internet. At this point the web was rather simple with most pages consisting of textured backgrounds, small images, little animted gifs, horizontal lines, and text. Telnet remained Krozar's primary form of online game playing, the ftp and irc for file downloading, and gopher, telnet, or usenet for information; especially since using the World Wide Web required running Windows and a Winsock application, something that was mostly annoying to start up, even though Krozar did have Windows 3.11 for Workgroups on his 386; though never used it.
In 1993 he had set up his BBS with Fidonet allowing discussion and debates with bulletin boards all over the country and world. It was just one more thing to take up the time; which it did.
Getting Powered Up!
It is now August of 1995 and it is time for a new system and a new experience, still playing MUDs, using IRC, and debating on local boards, Fidonet echos, and Usenet boards as the major form of gaming and communicating. By this time most people had moved up to the Intel 486 processors sometimes with 500 megabytes of hard disk space or more. It was time to upgrade. At the time the new Microsoft "Chicago" which became the Windows 95 platform was heard all over the news, mostly in a bad light as it was considered being released far too early by many people. Although at the time Krozar did not know the benefits of such a system except for having read articles relating to the 32 bit true multi-tasking feature which was the largest reason for the earlier hype of DesqView and the exodus of BBS sysops to OS/2 developed by IBM and Microsoft for the IBM PS/2 platform. OS/2 was at one time to become the precursor for MS-DOS and MS-Windows 3x series until Microsoft's "Chicago" went into development and subsequent beta testing.
In September one of Krozar's aquaintances had a son who was jailed in California and required money for bail, so Krozar offered $1000 for his new custom built Pentium 75mhz, 8mb RAM, and 8gb HDD, and a 28.8bps modem. In 1995 this was an amazing PC to own as the Pentium was the much awaited 586 series from Intel and had even the state-of-the-art 486DX4 users drooling. Krozar was very satisfied with the steal he made for a system that would normally cost around $2500 and upwards.
On this new system was the newly released and much fabled Windows 95. Although a big adjustment to a GUI enviroment (although still using DOS heavily) he really enjoyed this new Windows 95 which had reletively few problems despite the bad press of the release and the reluctance of friends to switch to the new platform.
By this time the World Wide Web had progressed from the days of text on the screen to a myriad of images and a little toy called Java applets. Web sites also began using CGI perl scripts and the web began to garner more people and with it a community. With simple message communities, search engines, tables, and better images; it was time to start a web page.
In September of 1995 Krozar made a tribute to his favorite band Pantera in the form of a webpage named "Pantera Rules the Fucking World". Krozar then made requests to several new search engines to list his website which quickly became the number one listing for "Pantera" searches, this led to over 100,000 hits by February of 1996.
Krozar now must face his toughest challenge yet...finding a girlfriend.
Krozar also likes turtles.