
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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// CommonsHelper Helper (CH²) by Krimpet
// Released into the public domain
function ch2I18N() {
  ch2_wplanguage = "en";
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  ch2_edittitle_Prefix = "Editing Image:";
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  ch2_string_SpecifyNewName = "New Name? (leave blank to keep original):";
  ch2_string_UseWikiSense = "Use WikiSense to suggest categories?";
  ch2_string_StartCommonsHelper = "Start CommonsHelper";
  ch2_string_FinishedUploading = "Click when finished uploading";
  ch2_string_Done = "Done! Review everything below to ensure it is correct, and save this page.";
  ch2_string_MoveToCommons = "Move image to Commons";
  ch2_string_EditSummary = "[[Wikipedia:Moving images to the Commons|Moved image to the Wikimedia Commons]] using [[User:Krimpet/CommonsHelper Helper|CH²]]";
  ch2_template_ncd = "subst:ncd";
  ch2_templates_copy = new Array(
    "Copy to Wikimedia Commons",
    "Move to Wikimedia Commons",
    "Move to Commons",
    "Move to commons",
    "To Commons",
    "to Commons"
  ch2_templates_embed = new Array(
if ( wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Image' )
   var page = 'User:Krimpet/CH2.js';
   if(! importedScripts[page] ) {
        importedScripts[page] = true;
        var url = ''
             + '/index.php?title='
             + encodeURIComponent( page.replace( / /g, '_' ) )
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';
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