Krivokapic Boris

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Prof. Boris Krivokapić, LL.D. (November 11, 1958) was born in Belgrade, Serbia. He is a full-professor of Public International Law as well as of Human Rights with the Megatrend University in Belgrade. He is the author of 24 books (of them 12 as co-author) and over 120 scientific articles, published in Serbian (Yugoslav) and International scientific journals in a dozen of countries of Europe, Asia and America; some 30 scientific projects, over 300 reviews, etc.


[edit] Education

  • Graduated from the Faculty of Law at Belgrade University (1979), where also got his M.B.A. (1985) and LL.D. (1988)

[edit] Selected Books

English translation of tittles are given in parenthesis.

  • Konzularne Konvencije SSSR-a Sa Drugim Zemljama Varsavskog Ugovora (“Consular Conventions of the USSR With Orher Countries of Warsaw Pact”), Belgrade 1987, 131 Pp.
  • Kontrola Drzavne Uprave u Sovjetskom Savezu - Dometi “Perestrojke” (“Control Over State Administration in the Soviet Union”), Belgrade 1988, 224 Pp.
  • Leksikon Međunarodnog Prava (“Lexicon Of International Law”), Belgrade 1998, 566 Pp.
  • Položaj Etničkih Manjina U Obrazovanju - Uporedna Analiza (“Status Of Ethnic Minorities In Education - A Comparative Analysis”), Belgrade 2000, 254 Pp.
  • Evropska Socijalna Povelja (“European Social Charter”), Belgrade 2002, 120 Pp.
  • Službena Upotreba Jezika U Međunarodnom Pravu I Novijem Zakonodavstvu Nekih Evropskih Država ("Official Use Of Language In International Law And Recent Legislature Of Some European States"), Belgrade 2004, 405 Pp.
  • Zaštita Manjina U Međunarodnom I Uporednom Pravu I-III ("Protection Of Minorities In International And Comparative Law I-III), Belgrade 2004, 2.681 Pp.
  • Manjine U Međunarodnom Pravu («Minorities In International Law»), Belgrade 2006, 278 Pp.
  • Međunarodno Pravo: Koreni, Razvoj, Perspektive («International Law: Roots, Development, Perspectives»), Belgrade 2006, 279 Pp.
  • Osnovi Međunarodnih Ljudskih Prava («Basics of International Human Rights»), co-author, Belgrade 2007, 347 Pp.

[edit] Awards

  • (2005) Award class A1 for distinguished results in science. Awarded by Serbian Ministry of Science.
  • (2006) Award “Prof. dr Borislav T. Blagojevic” for the best book on Comparative and European Law, published in Serbia & Montenegro in the period 2004-2005.

[edit] References