Krishak Praja Party

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Krishak Praja Party (Bengali: কৃষক প্রজা পার্টি Krishôk Proja Parṭi "Farmer People's Party"), originally known as "Proja-Shamiti" (Bengali: প্রজা সমিতি Proja Shomiti "People's Committee"), was a political party in British India. It struggled for the abolition of zamindari (Landlordism).

In the late 1930s, A. K. Fazlul Huq founded and renamed the defunct 'Proja-Shamiti' as Krishak Praja Party, changing its original harsh agrarian policy, and started defending the zamindars. It was also during this time when A. K. Fazlul Huq served as the Chief (or Prime) Minister of undivided Bengal (1937-1943).

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