Koszalin Voivodeship

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Koszalin Voivodeship (2) (Polish: województwo koszalińskie) - a unit of administrative division and local government in Poland in the years 1975-1998, superseded by West Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Capital city: Koszalin
Area: 8.500 km²
Statistics (1 January 1992):
Population: 508.200 inhabitants
Population density: 60 inhabitants/km²
Administrative division: 35 communes
Number of cities and towns (urban communes): 17

Major cities and towns (population 1980):

Koszalin Voivodeship (1) (Polish: województwo koszalińskie) - a unit of administrative division and local government in Poland in years 1950-1975, created from easterm part of Szczecin Voivodeship, superseded by the voivodeships of Koszalin (1), Slupsk and Pila.

Capital city: Koszalin
Area: 18.104 km²
Population (31.12.1970): 793.700 inhabitants (399.300 men + 394.400 wemen)
Urban population (31.12.1970): 392.200 (49,5%)
Population density (31.12.1970): 44 inhabitants/km²
Administrative division (1.1.1971): 15 counties (13 land + 2 city counties)
Administrative division (1.1.1971): 23 towns + 154 communities

List of counties in 1950-1975:
English county name, Polish county name, capital city

New counties established 1950-1975:

See also: Voivodeships of Poland