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[edit] About Me

Photos by Matthew Trevithick

My Name is Matthew T and I'm from London, Ontario, Canada.


Check out my photo Gallery

I do photography, see NEW SITE!! [[1]] I've taken over 15 thousand photographs. Probably more but I lost alot of them. :S

Here are a few new ones

I am also a cinematographer. Check out my movies on You Tube. [[2]]

My OOLD userpage.
My OOLD userpage.

I am reachable by email. Just click above on the banner at the top.

[edit] My Favourite Bands


(and more coming soon...)

[edit] Things I Enjoy Doing

I enjoy doing photography, as well as making my own films. You can see some of my films by clicking on the YouTube link up there ^^. Anyway, aside from my interest in computers and technology, I also like playing golf, as well as hanging out with friends.

[edit] My Wikipedia Criticisms

The fact that any person who hasn't registered with Wikipedia can edit a page is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. I am saying this due to a recent display of blatant rudeness I came across on the Aids article, which was the featured article at the time. A sorry excuse for a human being wrote, "If you have AIDS then you suck because you're probably going to die!" He even left his name (Robert Li) and his phone number, which was likely a number for a sex chat line. But Wikipedia shows you how decent and good hearted people in today's society are. NOT. People who go to Wikipedia just to vandalise and put something crude on an article they find would be funny to lower in quality and decency. If you've looked at vandalism nowadays on Wikipedia, it can illustrate to you how nice and kind people can be. Wikipedia is a place where you can feel welcome. Ya. Welcome to someone altering your own userpage and messing around, putting obsene comments on one of your favourite articles. Welcome? Maybe we should find a new description of the word "welcome" because it sure as hell doesn't apply here.

[edit] My YouTube Critisims

What is the fucking deal with people spamming? No one wants to try your 'treasure trooper' crap or whatever it is. Now, say you and your friends, just made a funny movie and you want other friends to see it online. You upload it to YouTube in hopes that your friends will see it and comment on it. Instead, an idoit with a stick up their ass, goes to your video and comments something stupid like "WTF??" or "You should fucking kill yourself you stupid fag." I mean what the fuck? Like what the hell is your problem dude? If you didn't like the video, then keep that inner rage you got from watching it to yourself. Plus, when you reply to someones comment, they reply with a response that probably used 2 of their 5 brain cells, with something like "Your fucking gay" or "Get a life." When did life get so fucking rude? It might have been rap music, or something, I don't know. But I do know one thing. We need a major attitude ajustment. Fast.

And another thing. Whats with people signing up on YouTube, and not uploading any videos. The only thing they do is leave offensive comments on other peoples videos, when they may not be able to make a video themselves. YouTube should have a system where if you dont upload a video in a week, then you get kicked off. Or something, a majority of the registered users on that site havent even uploaded any videos.

If I get in trouble for this, then what happened to free speech? Im just speaking my mind, which more people should do now adays. Everyone keeps everything to themselves. Im doing the opposite by telling people how I feel.

[edit] My Gamespot Critisims

I have one major critisim with Gamespot. When I made an account 3 years ago, I never thought that people who I dont know would have such a problem with me not having a high enough user level. Mayybe because I have a life, and I don't stay on Gamespot 24/7 trying to get my level up. I do other things. I think these nerds who have reviewed 90+ games in 2 months, then call ME a nerd because i've reviewed 6 games in 2 years, really need a life, and need to get laid big time. As well, whats with people reviewing a game which got like 8.5 on the Gamespot rating doing, giving it like 1? I click on their profile, and the games they play are like Warcraft and Halo. What are you doing reviewing Gran Turismo? Frankly what were you doing playing it in the first place, if you were just going to give it 1? I mean, I signed up to Gamespot to check out games and review them and stuff like that, I didn't sign up for some nerd with a level 40, to tell me that I don't have a life.

[edit] My Encyclopedia Dramatica Critisims

The parody of Wikipedia is full of problems, notably the rudeness and immature nature of the users on it. People go to articles like Jay Leno and just keep writing the same word over and over [spamming], saying rude comments, and personally attacking other individuals. This shows you why they were kicked off Wikipedia (Supposedly the start of ED was a bunch of banned Wikipedia users decided to create an encyclopedia where they made fun of others). This website is an abomination of the internet as we know it, as well as today's society.

[edit] Barnstars

For contributing this incredible photo and for having many other great photos, I hereby award you this Photographer's Barnstar. NIRVANA2764 13:11, 7 October 2006 (UTC)
For contributing this incredible photo and for having many other great photos, I hereby award you this Photographer's Barnstar. NIRVANA2764 13:11, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

2007 Matthew Trevithick Inc.