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Komm auf meine Insel ("Come Onto my Island") is the third studio album released by German Schlager group Die Flippers. It was the first album with new producer Erich Ließman. This album proved to be even less successful that it's preceedor, Alles Liebe.
[edit] Track listing
- "Komm auf meine Insel" (Come Onto my Island)
- "Maja"
- "Willst du mit mir geh'n" (Will You Go With Me)
- "Sweet City Gir"
- "Hello My Love"
- "Bleib mir treu" (Stay Pure for Me)
- "Was hast Du am Sonntag allein gemacht" (What Did You do Alone on Sunday)
- "Cindy, tanz' doch einmal mit mir" (Cindy, Dance With Me Just Once)
- "Mädchen Namenlos" (Nameless Girl)
- "Träume der Erinnerung" (Dreams of the Memories)
- "Oh La La"
- "Bye bye bis morgen" (Bye Bye Until Tomorrow)