Komárno District

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Komárno District
okres Komárno
Komáromi járás
Region (kraj) Nitra Region
Population 108,556 (2001)
Area 1,100.3 km² (424.8 sq mi)
Time Zone
• Summer DST
Telephone prefix +421-035
Car registration plate KN
Komárno Districtokres KomárnoKomáromi járás location map

Komárno District (Slovak: okres Komárno, Hungarian: Komáromi járás) is a district in the Nitra Region of western Slovakia. Until 1918, the district was mostly part of the Hungarian county of Komárno, apart from an area in the east around Bátorove Kosihy which formed part of the county of Esztergom (Ostrihom).

The district has a population of 108.556 of which 30.079 (27,7%) are Slovaks and 74.976 (69,1%) are Hungarians (2001).

[edit] Municipalities