Koesltown Tunnel

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Koesltown Tunnel
Official name Argyle Tunnel (CRI&P Tunnel 2)
Carries formerly 1 track of the Rock Island railroad
Crosses Under a hill and CR 541 country road
Locale Osage County, Missouri
Design Concrete Tunnel
Opening date 1903
Destruction date 1981

The Koesltown Tunnel is a railway tunnel in Osage County, Missouri. It was built in 1903 by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad. When the Rock Island went bankrupt, this line was given to Union Pacific railroad under an ICC "directed service" order. At the end of 1980, UP leased trackage rights to the Kansas City Terminal Railway, and after a year, KCT stopped service on that line, due to track disrepair, and rot. Therefore, the line has sat unused since 1981. This is tunnel two of four on this line.

The next tunnel is the Freeburg Tunnel

Tunnel four is the Vale Tunnel

Tunnel three is the Eugene Tunnel