Kodomo anime and manga

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Kodomomuke anime (子供向けアニメ?) is a Japanese term that literally means "animation directed towards children". It refers to a genre of Japanese comics (manga) and cartoons (anime) that are aimed at a younger audience. However, for many non-Japanese fans of these media, the name is cut to simply Kodomo.[citation needed]

"Kodomo" works are noted for stories that are usually (and covertly) very moralistic and teach children how to behave as good and considerate people. The episodes are also standalone and non-episodic in order to appeal to a child's short attention span.

Examples of "kodomo" works include:

  • Doraemon. A story about a boy and a cat-like robot from the future that has come to keep the boy out of trouble.
  • Soreike! Anpanman. A story about a hero whose head is made of bread and his food themed friends.
  • Hamtaro. A story about a group of hamsters and their owners.