User:Kitfox lordorman
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The San Joaquin kit fox is a very special animal. While working at CSU Stanislaus as a researcher for the Endangered Species Recovery Program, I was introduced to the kit fox during a radio-telemetry study. That was back in 1997. Ever since then I've been hooked on kit foxes and swift foxes (and all other canids). I've written several peer-reviewed papers on the kit fox, and I am always on the look-out for books and other literature on foxes and other canids. These are wonderful animals, and I'll do what I can to keep them wild and free.
I am an accomplished wildlife ecologist and biologist with ten years of professional wildlife and research experience. My work as a researcher has focused on the fauna and ecosystems of Northern, Central, and Southern California, and the Mojave Desert provinces and includes extensive baseline mammalian inventories, conduct surveys focused on rare animals, habitat assessment, land retirement and restoration, radio telemetry, and long-term ecological studies on several endangered species. I have conducted studies for a variety of private and public agency projects, including surveys for endangered species along canals, range-wide presence/absence surveys, and scent dog detection work for endangered foxes.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 1999. An animal track casting method using dolomite, sand, and spray adhesive. California Fish and Game 85:138-139.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2001. Use of a car alarm sequence in the Northern Mockingbird repertoire. California Fish and Game 87:115-116.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2003. Responses of San Joaquin kit foxes to an oil-gas well fire. California Fish and Game 89:102-105.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2004. Occurrence of California mule deer in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 40:127-128.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2005. Aggressive behaviour exhibited by a San Joaquin kit fox, Vulpes macrotis mutica. Canadian Field-Naturalist 119:134.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2005. Otocyon megalotis. Mammalian Species 766:1-5.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2006. Review of “Invasion Biology: Critique of a Pseudoscience” by David Theodoropoulos. Western North American Naturalist 66:537-539.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2007. Marking of novel objects by kit fox. California Fish and Game 93:103-106.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2007. Review of “California’s Frontier Naturalists” by Richard G. Beidleman. Western North American Naturalist xx:xxx-xxx.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2007. Hypothetical relationships between the San Joaquin kit fox, California grizzly bear, and gray wolf on the Pre-European California landscape. Endangered Species Update 23:xxx-xxx.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2007. Spea hammondii (Western spadefoot toad). Predation and use as burrow decorations. Herpetological Review.
- Clark, H.O., Jr. 2007. Use of Spadefoot Toads by Western Burrowing Owls. Central Valley Birding Club Bulletin 10:51.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., and D.L. Plumpton. 2005. A simple one-way door design for passive relocation of Western Burrowing Owls. California Fish and Game 91:286-289.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., and J.R. Gworek. (submitted). Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi (valley garter snake). Habitat and possible communalism. Herpetological Review.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., and M.C. Orland. (submitted). An application of corridor theory on a physical landscape using the San Joaquin kit fox as the model species. Landscape and Urban Planning.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., and M.C. Orland. 2008. Comparison of two camera trap systems for detection of American marten on a winter landscape. California Fish and Game 94:xxx-xxx.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., and N. R. Sisk. 2007. Predation of a Western Burrowing Owl by an apparent Prairie Falcon. Central Valley Birding Club Bulletin 10:49-50.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., and S.I. Hagen. (submitted). Hydromantes platycephalus. (Mount Lyell salamander). Localized Status. Herpetological Review.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., B.L. Cypher, G.D. Warrick, P.A. Kelly, D.F. Williams, and D.E. Grubbs. 2004. Challenges in conservation of the endangered San Joaquin kit fox. Pages 118-131 in N. Fascione, A. Delach, and M. E. Smith, editors. People and Predators: From Conflict to Coexistence. Island Press, Washington, D.C. 285 pp.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., B.L. Cypher, P.A. Kelly, D.F. Williams, and S.D. Clifton. 2003. Use of a hair-sampling tube to detect the San Joaquin kit fox. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 38/39:29-30.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., D.P. Newman, and S.I. Hagen. 2007. Analysis of San Joaquin kit fox occurrences in the California Natural Diversity Database: A case for data reliability. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., D.P. Newman, C.J. Randel, III, and M.D. Meyer. (submitted). Effectiveness of cardboard shelters used for diurnal trapping of Mohave ground squirrels. California Fish and Game.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., D.P. Newman, J.D. Murdoch, J. Tseng, W. Zhenghuan, and R.B. Harris. (submitted). Vulpes ferrilata. Mammalian Species.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., G.D. Warrick, B.L. Cypher, P.A. Kelly, D.F. Williams, and D.E. Grubbs. 2005. Competitive interactions between endangered kit foxes and non-native red foxes. Western North American Naturalist 65:153-163.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., H.S. Shellhammer, and S.D. Gaimari. 2006. Ectoparasites found on salt marsh harvest mice in the northern salt marshes of Grizzly Bay, California. California Fish and Game 92:52-54.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., J.D. Murdoch, D.P. Newman, and C. Sillero-Zubiri. (submitted). Vulpes corsac. Mammalian Species.
- Clark, H.O., Jr., R.R. Duke, M.C. Orland, R.T. Golightly, and S.I. Hagen. 2007. The San Joaquin kit fox in north-central California: A review. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society.
- Cypher, B.L., H.O. Clark, Jr., P.A. Kelly, C. Van Horn Job, G.W. Warrick, and D.F. Williams. 2001. Interspecific interactions among wild canids: implications for the conservation of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes. Endangered Species Update 18:171-174.
- Randel, C.J., III, and H.O. Clark, Jr. (submitted). Mohave ground squirrel body mass at Indian Wells Valley, San Bernardino County, California. Western North American Naturalist.
- Randel, C.J., III, and H.O. Clark, Jr. (submitted). White-tailed antelope ground squirrel sex ratios, Indian Wells Valley, California. Western North American Naturalist.
- Randel, C.J., III, and H.O. Clark, Jr. 2007. Mojave desert sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes cerastes) behavior. Sonoran Herpetologist 20:96.
- Smith, D.A., K. Ralls, B.L. Cypher, H.O. Clark, Jr., P.A. Kelly, D.F. Williams, and J.E. Maldonado. 2006. Relative abundance of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) based on scat-detection dog surveys. Southwestern Naturalist 51:210-219.
- Warrick, G.D., H.O. Clark, Jr., P.A. Kelly, D.F. Williams, and B.L. Cypher. 2007. Use of agricultural lands by kit foxes. Western North American Naturalist 67:270-277.
--Kitfox lordorman 04:31, 3 October 2007 (UTC)