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[edit] Partially Translated

Lived in Sakado while studying abroad, decided this temple needed an article. I'm working on translating the Japanese one, but it's getting a bit late, so I'll try to get to it later on. Here are the excerpts remaining to be translated and the headings they go under:

[edit] Origins and History


[edit] Cultural Significance

  • 客殿(附:渡廊)
  • 書院
  • 庫裏(附:玄関・玄関広間・渡廊及び接続室〔合1棟〕)
  • 慈眼堂(附:厨子)
  • 鐘楼門(附:銅鐘)
  • 山門(附:棟札)
  • 紙本著色職人尽絵 六曲屏風一双 狩野吉信筆
  • 宋版一切経 4,686帖
  • 太刀 銘友成 附:糸巻太刀拵
  • 銅鐘 正安2年(1300年)銘

This is my first time creating new article like this, so my apologies if I'm off from the norms on my methods a bit. Advice on how to find existing templates for things and properly categorizing things would be great, I tried using Asakusa Temple as a basis for the categories here. 加持 (talk) 11:29, 28 November 2007 (UTC)