Kirti Monastery

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The first Kirti Monastery founded by Kirti Rinpoche was in Gyelrang. These days the two main Kirti Monasteries are in Taktsang Lhamo and Nagba prefecture, in Amdo. Taktsang Lhamo was destroyed during the Chinese invasion in the 1950's, it has now been rebuilt. There are numerous (approximately 30-40) smaller monasteries affiliated with the Kirti Monasteries spread throughout the Amdo region.

A school affiliated with Kirti monastery was closed in 1998. [1]

According to the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), in 2008, peacefully protesting Tibetans were shot indiscriminately by armed Chinese troops, and at least 8 dead bodies brought into Ngaba Kirti Monastery.[2]

The present day Kirti Rinpoche founded a Kirti Monastery in Dharamsala, India, in April 1990 [3]

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