User talk:King0fHearts
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5th Dimension And The String Theory---
It Is Believed that the first 3 dimensions are "spatial", and the 4th is time. For Some reason, the 4th is saught differently in terms of dimensions, but it is the same as lenght, width or depth. I.E. A 2-D object is 1-d objects stacked on top of each other(line on top of line = square), A 3-D Object is 2-d objects stacked on top of each other(Square On Square is Box/Cube).
Now, Time is a 3-D object stacked on top of each other(Cube On Top Of Cube Is A Time Line). Think Of Time As A Flip Book, Second(Or Most Basic Unit) Is Just The First 3 Dimensions, but the 4th is them stacking, like a flip book.
If We Follow The Pattern Of Stacking, My Thought Is That time stacked on top of time, a 5th dimension object, is parallel universes, time co-existing with oter time.
Now, One Must Beg, What Would The 6th Dimension Be, A Multiverse Stacked On Top of a Multiverse?