King Street Wharf

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King Street Wharf covering approximately five hectares, is a former maritime industrial area on the eastern shore of Darling Harbour, an inlet of Sydney Harbour, Australia, that has been redeveloped into a mixed use tourism, commercial, residential and maritime development as part of the extensive redevelopment in the general area. It is adjacent to the Darling Harbour tourist precinct, and on the western edge of Sydney's central business district.

Under Walker Corporation Limited, the retail and restaurants, stages of residential and serviced apartments and commercial/retail strata suites were completed. The remainder of the development parcels are still being developed by Multiplex Limited. They include the completed KPMG Headquarters, American Express House and the new Macquarie Bank headquarters expected to be completed around February 2009.

The residential towers occupy the area bounded by King Street to the South, Shelley Street to the East, Erskine Street to the North and Lime Street to the West. Ranging in height from 8 to 14 stories consisting of:

  • 155 residential apartments in the North Tower
  • 107 residential apartments in the South Tower
  • 95 residential apartments in 45 - 49 Shelley Street.
  • 114 Serviced Apartments - Medina

The remaining development will consist of further commercial and retail and public parking expected to be completed over the next few years. It also involves associated infrastructure such as roadworks, carparking, charter vessel berthing facilities and coach parking.

The commercial waterfront is between Lime Street and Darling Harbour, and extends slightly north of the end of Erskine Street. It consists of 85 commercial suites with a retail component set underneath. This retail area contains 11 restaurants, the largest of which seats 450 including its outdoor areas.

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