Kimmins High School

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Kimmins High School is a girls' boarding school in Panchgani in the state of Maharashtra, India, founded in 1898.


[edit] History

Miss Emilie Kimmins, who established Kimmins school in 1898, was a member of the Zenana Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship. While she was working as Principal of Queen Mary School in Bombay, she became deeply concerned for the education of the European and Anglo-Indian children who needed to leave Bombay because of their health problems. Her answer was to offer these children a good education in the healthy climate of Panchgani. She remained at the school until 1921, and made such an outstanding contribution to the Hill Station and to the schools in Panchgani that she has been referred to as the "Queen of Panchgani". She not only laid the foundations of the buildings of her school but also of its educational and moral standards. The central buildings of both the school and the hostel reflect the inspiration and dedication of Miss Kimmins.

Miss Pearsall followed Miss Kimmins as Principal, and the school was fortunate again to have a long serving leader. She took over in 1921, and finally left the school in 1948, with a break of several years during this time. During her tenure, electricity was first installed and running water was made available to the renovated bathrooms. She was described as "encircling with love other women's children"[citation needed], and many remember her with deep affection and gratitude. During her years the academic emphasis of the school developed, music became an important part of the curriculum, and the school began to meet the needs of the students of Independent India.

Following some difficulties in 1949, it was contemplated to close the school, but many believed that there was a need for a school with its traditions for building modern India. This confidence motivated the next generation of leaders to adapt to changes and to overcome problems.

Miss Yelland, who was Principal from 1952 until 1969, worked hard to keep the school going. Although many of the European and Anglo-Indian children left the school, there was a steady increase in the number of Indian children benefiting from the education offered. These students came from within India and from Indian communities settled all over the world. For several years, the school also received a group of Tibetan children. When the school celebrated its Centenary in 1998, a large number of past students from many countries came to meet their friends.

In the early days, most of the teaching staff was British, but later the school began to employ well-qualified Indian teachers. Miss Yelland was followed as Principal by Miss Gilbert from 1969 until 1979, and she was followed by the first Indian Principal, Miss Fahmidah Inayat from 1979 to 1994.

The curriculum of the school has changed steadily providing education relevant for all round development of girls to meet the changing needs of the Indian society.

In 1974, the Management of the school passed to the Christian Medical and Educational Fellowship Trust, based in Bombay. The Trust has added new buildings including a large multi purpose building housing the library and dining room, and older ones have been renovated.

Through these changes the school seeks to remain true to the vision of its founder, providing first class education and individual care for girls to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, in the context of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

[edit] Aims

The school aims to provide sound education based on the teachings of the Christian faith. Special attention is paid to the all round development of children, including their physical well being, cleanliness and responsibilities as good human beings. The students who come from varied backgrounds live and work together in harmony in the campus.

The Principal/Warden and Vice-Principal take personal interest in each student, and are available to advise and counsel them. Parents can also get in touch with them to be abreast of their child’s progress.

The Trustees of the CMEF Trust that manage the school and the present Principal, Ms Augustine, believe that the present generation needs to be nurtured very carefully with sound academic and moral values and physical fitness to prepare them to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Their energy and intelligence are channeled in the right way, by inculcating spiritual values to make them good human beings in society.

[edit] Extracurricular activities

Keeping with the rich tradition of Kimmins, the school continues to inculcate and awaken the extraordinary musical, literary, acting and physical talents of students, and to teach them, allowing them to experience the joy of trying and succeeding, vying with each other in healthy competition and friendship, and finally to help them appreciate life beyond studies. Children are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. Guitar coaching is provided and the school has both a senior and a junior choir which practice weekly.

The school has several pianos that are available for students to practice whenever they have time, and coaching for this is offered. This also prepares the talented ones to go for certification in music from renowned institutes like the Trinity School of Music, London.

The students are given guidance to take part in English and Hindi drama and in other variety entertainment programmes. Inter House talent nights are arranged at the weekends. Debating and elocution are regular parts of school activity.

[edit] Games and sports

Apart from athletics, games like hockey, netball, basketball, throw ball, volleyball, table tennis, rounders, badminton, gymnastics and crockers are played in the evening under the supervision of the staff and a trained P.E. teacher. Facility for skating is also provided. A tennis court is being planned in the campus to enable students take up lawn tennis.[citation needed] During the monsoon, various indoor games are played. Equipment for most games is provided by the school.

[edit] Competitions and awards

Inter-House matches and athletic competitions are held every year. Inter-House competitions are arranged for music and elocution. The school also takes part in Inter School competitions in art and general awards and prizes. The houses are awarded shields that rotate among winners every year. Inter school competitions give a chance for students to compete with other schools in dance, music, drama and elocution. Kimmins has been a regular prize winner in art, music, dance, drama and literary events.

[edit] Notable alumnae

Maria van der Linden, née Tarasiewicz, author[1]

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Kimmins High School