Kimberton Fire Company

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Kimberton Fire Company is a volunteer fire department located in East Pikeland Township in Chester County, Pennsylvania that provides fire protection services to Charlestown, East Pikeland, East Vincent, West Pikeland, West Vincent and Schuylkill townships.


[edit] History

The Kimberton Fire Company was incorporated in May of 1929.

[edit] Aparatus

Apparatus Abbreviation Model Notes

[edit] Station 61 (Main Station)

Engine 61-1 ENG611 2000 Saulsbury
Tower 61 TWR61 1996 Simon-Duplex / 85 ' LTI tower-ladder
Rescue 61 RES61 2005 Spartan/American LaFrance
Engine 61-2 ENG612 1986 Hahn (Custom)
Tanker 61-1 TKR61 1995 Walker Stainless Steel Tanker
Tanker 61-2 1990 Freightliner
Tac 61 TAC61 1995 Ford F-450 Super-Duty
Brush 61 BRU61 1985 GMC
Traffic 61 TRF61 1999 Ford F-350
Squad 61 SQD61 1999 Ford F-350

[edit] Station 72 (Substation)

Rescue 72 RES72 1993 Spartan/3D Manufacturing Rescue Pumper
Squad 72 SQD72 2003 Ford F-550 Super Duty

[edit] See also

[edit] External links