Kim Leclerc

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Kim Leclerc was the Liberal Party of Canada candidate in Haute-Gaspésie—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia for the Canadian federal election, 2006 [1]


[edit] Canadian 2006 elections and results

The Liberal association of the circonscription decided to choose Kim Leclerc to be the candidate at the 2006 elections. Maurice Gauthier the 1993 Liberal candidate and ex-mayor of Matane was is chief organizer.

At this moment M.Leclerc was the youngest Liberal candidate. Also note is father Gérard Leclerc ride for the Liberal party in Joliette at the same elections.

He was defeated by the incumbent Jean-Yves Roy from the Bloc Québécois. [2] [3] [4]

[edit] Family

Kim Leclerc was born in Quebec City in 1985. He lived in Matane until the age of six, when his family moved to James Bay and then Abitibi-Témiscamingue. The family later returned to their hometown.

[edit] Studies

Mr. Leclerc is a student in economics and politics at Université Laval since 2007. Before he has studied at Cegep Régional de Lanaudière on the campus of Joliette where he has completed an DEC in Human Sciences profile Society. This diploma is a pre-request in Quebec to go at University. He obtain this diploma in may 2007. Before this he have study at Cégep de Matane where he try but with no success to complete a DEC in Pure Sciences and after in Human Sciences. After these two unsuccessful tries he took a 2 years pause. This is after is pause he go at Joliette.

[edit] Politics before and after elections

He was the point person for communications for the youth wing of the Matane Liberal riding association during the 2003 provincial election, and later went on to become the vice-president of the Young Liberals for his riding. He also was the CDR of Quebec Liberal Party Youth Commission for the Gaspé region from 2003 to 2006. [5] In 2007 was the communications responsible for Liberals in Berthier.

During the Leadership congress, M.Leclerc an ex-officio have decied to support Bob Rae [6]

The local newspaper "La Voix du Dimanche" said in this edition of 11 March 2007 Kim Leclerc study the possibility to be Liberal candidate at the next federal elections.

Actually Mr.Leclerc was the president of the Quebec Liberal Party student comity of Université Laval. [7]

[edit] Notes