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Khudadad was the changed name of the (from 1782 to 1799), erstwhile Mysore kingdom established in a large part of (mainly southern) India by Tipu Sultan, with Seringapatnam as the new capital.

Tipu Sultan, the son of Hyder Ali, based it in the -usurped- former Hindu princely state of Mysore, intending to unseat the northernmore Mughal empire, which was considered weak and no longer truly Islamic, due to its de facto submission to the British Paramountcy. He succeeded in conquering and annexing neighbouring Hindu states.

The ruler adopted the novel title Pashah Bahadur, which means he claimed to be one rank above the Mughal Padshah-i-Hind. However since Tipu, its only ruler, chose the side of the French against the victorious British, his empire was dismantled, and the territories largely restored to Hindu rulers (as in Mysore itself). However the British showed respect for his military valor by granting his dynasty the 'golden cage' status of Political Pensioners.

[edit] Sources and references

RoyalArk- India- Khudadad