Khrushchev dough

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Khrushchev dough (Russian: хрущёвское тесто) was the result of introducing the flour rationing in the Soviet Union. It occurred after the crops failure, which led to the food irregularities in 1963, under Nikita Khrushchev.[1] Products made from the Khrushchev dough were called Khrushchev loafs[1] or Khrushchev pies. The Khrushchev pie was made by extracting the loaf pulp, injecting filling and being baked in an oven.[1] In 1963-1964 that pie became common on New Year tables.[1] The color of the Khrushchev loafs in Leningrad was nearly blue.[1] In some recipes from Runet the dough was supposed to be long-lasting.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b c d e (Russian)Как празднуют Новый год в России. Retrieved on 2007-01-20.