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Khorfulus County is a county in the Jonglei State of Southern Sudan. Khorfulus County is the Land of Dinka Padang that comprise of Luach, Rut, Thoi and Paweny Dinka. These group of people are pastoralist and practice small scale farming. They border Shilluk to the North, Dinka Ngok to the East and Nuer to the South and West.

[edit] Commissioning

The county was commissioned by the Government of Sudan with Colonel Jaafar an Nimeiri being the President of the Republic in 1982 and by the Sudan People's Liberation Movement and Sudan People's Liberation Army in 1994 during its convention. After the formation of the Government of Southern Sudan, Khorfulus was still kept as a county with its Commissioner being Mr. James Yor Chol who is currently running the affairs of the county until the election in 2008.

[edit] External links