Khanate of Baku

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The Khanate of Baku was created in the 1720s and was abolished in the 19th century. It is the current capital of Azerbaidjan.

[edit] Rulers

Within Azerbaijan (Albania-Shirvan) until c. 1721
Bakinovlar dynasty
Dargah Quli 1720's-1728
To Russia 1728-1735
To Iran 1735-1747
Mirza Muhammad I 1747-1768
To Kuba 1768-1772
Melik Muhammad 1772-1783
Mirza Muhammad II 1780-1791 d. 1801
Mohammed Quli 1791-1792
Hussein Quli 1792-1797 d. 1806
Mirza Muhammad II (restored) 1797-1801
Hussein Quli (restored) 1801-1806
To Russia 1806-1918
To the Transcaucasian Republic 1918
To Azerbaijan 1918-1920
To the Soviet Union 1920-1991
To Azerbaijan 1991-