
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am an employee of the University Relations department of DePaul University.

DePaul University respects that Wikipedia is designed to be a neutral and comprehensive source of information. It does not exist to promote the viewpoint or agenda of any individual or organization, but to serve the interests of its viewers.

The staff of University Relations has reviewed Wikipedia’s conflict of interest guidelines and note that Wikipedia recommends that parties who may have a conflict of interest should use the talk pages before posting edits.

In that spirit, we are using this page to alert readers that I and other members of University Relations will employ the following process when making edits to articles about DePaul University, its components and its employees.

• All edits will be made from a user account that clearly identifies the editor as an employee of University Relations at DePaul University. • All edits will first be posted to the discussion page of the article. If no response has been received from other editors within three days, the edit will be made to the main article. • All edits will be linked to related Web pages whenever possible. • Entries will be factual and will refrain from hyperbole. Honors and rankings will be linked to outside sources. • When controversies exist, edits will present the university’s viewpoint and will not remove viewpoints of other editors, except as comments can be demonstrated to be factually incorrect. Links will be provided to factual information and to official statements. Links to blogs or Web pages of other groups will not be removed. • Editors from University Relations will make every effort to work with other Wikipedia editors on talk pages to reach a mutually agreeable edit before posting that information to the article’s main page.

We believe that this process will improve the quality of information on DePaul-related Web sites in a transparent and cooperative fashion. Our goal is to work collaboratively with other editors on Wikipedia. If you have suggestions about this process, please feel free to contact me via e-mail or on my talk page.

In addition, be aware that DePaul’s IP address block includes student accounts, computer labs, libraries and other locations where non-employees are able to access the Internet and edit Wikipedia articles. If you have concerns about an edit posted from a DePaul IP address, please contact me.


[edit] Images

Hi there, to respond to your note, I got that image from a Flickr user who authorized the image for free distribution. Of course the info is provided with the image itself on Wiki; the person who took it authorized it for free distribution.

My hobby is making the DePaul wiki site better. It's been inadequate for a long time (see UofC's and NWU's). I plan to post pics for DPU's b-school, liberal arts, etc. If you have any pics or information you can contribute to help out, please do so.


[edit] DePaul U. Seal or Coat of Arms

Kris, since you work with the media folks, can you get the University Seal (preferably) or the Coat of Arms on DePaul University's wiki site (instead of the tree of wisdom)? It would look better and most universities have their Coats of Arms up. Thanks! Mc4932 05:25, 6 July 2006 (UTC)