User:Kevin Scott Marcus

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Wikipedia user: Kevin Scott Marcus

Greetings and salutations! My online name is Kevin Scott Marcus and I am the host of a forum at Delphi Forums called Kevin Scott Marcus' Multiplex at [free Delphi membership is required to post but not to view]. The Multiplex is a forum devoted to all forms of arts and entertainment with an emphasis on musical artists and bands, with additional sections (or "folders") for news and commentary and religion and spirituality.

As anyone who visits the Multiplex will immediately notice, I am a very huge user of Wikipedia, the articles of which form the bulk of every article which I post on an artist, band, celebrity, or other subject. A link back to the actual Wikipedia article always follows (but sometimes precedes) the article. I also share any personal knowledge I may have if I have any to offer.

The Multiplex reflects a long characteristic of mine since my childhood --- I am a crossover fanatic. I've always had a fascination with how totally different and unrelated characters in stories, movies, or shows would act with each other if put in the same story and evironment. As a second-grader, when my mother bought me a series of story books, I wondered how Lassie might interact with Blanche, the blue-nosed witch. I even wrote a story in which I put the two characters together in a story (the venue of all places being West Point!). I don't have the story now, but it is quite a fond memory for me.

Of course, the "characters" at the Multiplex don't actually interact, but I purely love the idea of listing and discussing a whole range of singers, musicians, bands, news personalities, and other kinds of great people.

In my personal life: I am 41 and in a committed relationship with my male partner, Terry. He describes himself as an "old hippie" and his all-time favorite artists are Jim Morrison/The Doors, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix. He is also a fan of other groups from the '60s, '70s, and '80s.

Peace and good fortune!