Kerry Chang

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Kerry Chang
CHERUB character
First appearance The Recruit
Last appearance The General
Cause/reason CHERUB agent
Created by Robert Muchamore
Gender Female
Age 15
Occupation CHERUB agent
Family Unkown
Address CHERUB Campus, England

Kerry Chang is one of the main protaginists in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore

[edit] Profile

Spending many years as a red-shirt has helped Kerry become a great martial artist and, has won many karate awards on campus. Though has been unlucky to face a severe damage to her knee, that may require furthur surgery as she grows older. This has also lead to Kerry being excluded from any aggressive sports and unnecessary contact sparring. Though the precise form differs, it is relatively free-form fighting, with enough rules, customs, or agreements to make injuries unlikely) during combat training.

Kerry is bright, but prefers verbal and artistic subjects. She excels in foreign languages, and is fluent in Japanese, Spanish, French and Mandarin.

She enjoys watching soap operas, Rafael Nadal, eating Chinese food, playing football, and, of course, kicking arse.

But does have a few specific dislikes, inclding watching football, soggy bread and her persistant knee operations