Kendrick Frazier

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Kendrick Frazier was born in Windsor, Colorado is a science writer and editor. He was the editor of Science News for several years. Since 1977 he has been the editor of Skeptical Inquirer, the journal published by CSICOP. Frazier received a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Colorado and a M.S. in Journalism from Columbia University. He is a member of the National Association of Science Writers and the American Geophysical Union.

Frazier was the earth sciences editor of Science News in 1969–70. He was named managing editor in 1970–71, then editor from 1971 to 1977, and remained a contributing editor until 1981. In August 1977 he became the editor of the Skeptical Inquirer, a position he holds as of 2006.

In 1985 the University of Colorado presented him with the George Norlin Award for outstanding achievement by an alumnus. In 2005 Frazier was made a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for "distinguished contributions to the public understanding of science through writing for and editing popular science magazines that emphasize science news and scientific reasoning and methods."

Frazier has a brother named Jim Frazier who was an avid believer of UFOs and paranormal activity in the 1970s and early 1980s. Jim Frazier was connected with self-claimed UFO abductee Brian Scott. This may account for Kendrick's pursuit of science. [1](search for Frazier and read preceding paragraphs) He also has two other younger brothers, Randal Frazier and David Frazier.

He lives with his wife, Ruth, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is a former president of Futures for Children, which works with American Indians of the Southwest.

[edit] Books

  • The Violent Face of Nature: Severe Phenomena and Natural Disasters,by Kendrick Frazier, William Morrow, New York, 1979, ISBN 0688035280
  • Paranormal Borderlands of Science, edited by Kendrick Frazier, Prometheus Books, 1981, ISBN 0-87975-148-7.
  • Our Turbulent Sun, by Kendrick Frazier. Prentice Hall, 1982, ISBN 013644492X
  • Solar System. By Kendrick Frazier and the Editors of Time-Life Books. Planet Earth Series. Time-Life Books, 1985, ISBN 0705407551
  • Science Confronts the Paranormal edited by Kendrick Frazier, Prometheus Books, 1986, ISBN 0-87975-314-5.
  • The Hundredth Monkey: And Other Paradigms of the Paranormal, edited by Kendrick Frazier, 1991, Prometheus Books, ISBN 0-87975-655-1.
  • The UFO Invasion: The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions, and Government Coverups, edited by Kendrick Frazier, Barry Karr, and Joe Nickell, Prometheus Books, 1997, ISBN 1-57392-131-9.
  • Encounters With the Paranormal: Science, Knowledge, and Belief, edited by Kendrick Frazier, 1998, Prometheus Books, ISBN 1-57392-203-X.
  • People of Chaco: A Canyon and Its Culture, by Kendrick Frazier. Updated and Revised Edition, 2005, W.W. Norton, New York. ISBN 0393318257

[edit] External links