Ken Page (writer)

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Ken Page is a U.S. metaphysical writer who authored several books including the Heart of Soul Healing. Ken is the nephew of Drunvalo Melchizedek, author of the Flower of Life books, and Ken had his first spiritual encounter on a trip to Mexico with Drunvalo. Prior to becoming a healer, Ken Page was a millionaire businessman.


[edit] Heart and soul healing process

Page created a process for healing called Heart and Soul Healing which incorporates spirit releasement therapy, past life work, chakra clearing, and several other steps. The process draws from the spirit releasement work of William Baldwin, PhD a Christian minister who is author of the controversial Spirit Releasement Therapy. Spirit releasement is similar to a shamanic form of exorcism which according to anthropologist Michael Harner is found in most shamanic cultures across the world. According to Page, part of his process for clearing energy arose from his work with Crystal healer Katrina Raphael.

Ken Page has said that he has fine tuned his process on over 1000 clients over the past 20 years. A session of this work itself takes about two hours and is in general a one time process, unlike many therapies which require repeated sessions. This process was originally known and promoted as Multidimensional Cellular Healing.

[edit] Metaphysical ideas

Ken Page's ideas include the use of clear light in healing work, spirit releasement, and the release of past life traumas through regression and understanding. The work has some similarities to the work of Barbara Brennan.

[edit] Claims and proponents

Ken Page's Heart and Soul Healing has been highly praised by a variety of metaphysical authors including Doreen Virtue. Drunvalo Melchizedek, Page's Uncle, and himself a controversial and respected author has claimed that Page's process is the equivalent of 20 years of higher spiritual study.

[edit] External links