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KenKen (tm) is a mathematical and logical puzzle loosely similar to sudoku. It was invented by a Japanese mathematics teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto, innovator of the theory "The Art Of Teaching Without Teaching", as an 'instruction-free' method of training the brain and was later published in The Times in March 2008. It was introduced to The Times via Robert Fuhrer of Nextoy and Chess Champion Dr. David Levy and recognized for its depth and magnitude by The Times features editor, Mr. Michael Harvey. KenKen(tm) brain training puzzles are a trademark of Nextoy, LLC. Renowned toy inventor, Robert Fuhrer, founder of Nextoy discovered KenKen (aka KEN-KEN) in Japan as the original books published by educational publisher Gakken Co., Ltd. as Kashikoku naru Puzzle, and has been instrumental in introducing them to the western world.
The objective is to fill the grid in with the digits 1 through 6 such that:
- Each row contains exactly one of each digit
- Each column contains exactly one of each digit
- Each bold-outlined group of cells contains digits which achieve the specified result using the specified mathematical operation: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and division (/). Unlike Killer sudoku, digits may repeat within a group.
Some of the techniques from sudoku and killer sudoku can be used here, but much of the process involves the listing of all the possible options and eliminating the options one by one as other information requires. One major distinction of KenKen from sudoku is that there are multiple ways to an answer. One can finish a puzzle and then erase the answers to try to solve it in a more efficient way.
In the example here:
- "11+" in the leftmost column can only be "5,6"
- "2/" in the top row must be one of "1,2", "2,4" or "3,6"
- "20x" in the top row must be "4,5".
- "6x" in the top right must be "1,1,2,3". Therefore the two "1"s must be in separate columns, thus row 1 column 5 is a "1".
- "240x" on the left side is one of "6,5,4,2" or "3,5,4,4". Either way there is a five and it must be in the right pair of cells since we have "5,6" already in column 1.
- etc
More complex KenKen problems are formed using the principles described above but omitting the +-x/ symbol leaving them as yet another unknown to be determined.
[edit] Data Tables
The following table evaluate the various combinations of 2, 3, 4 and 5 cells for each operation. For instance, 4 may be obtained by multiplying the four digits 1, 1, 2 and 2 together.
Where a group of digits includes repeats, then it must be part of a kinked group not a linear one.
1 -12 = 2 *112 1 -23 = 3 *113 1 -34 = 4 +112 4 *114 1 -45 = 4 *122 1 -56 = 5 +113 5 *115 2 *12 2 -13 2 /12 = 5 +122 2 -24 2 /24 = 6 +114 6 *116 2 -35 2 /36 = 6 +123 6 *123 2 -46 = 7 +115 3 +12 3 *13 3 -14 3 /13 = 7 +124 3 -25 3 /26 = 7 +133 3 -36 = 7 +223 4 +13 4 *14 4 -15 4 /14 = 8 +116 8 *124 4 -26 = 8 +125 5 +14 5 *15 5 -16 5 /15 = 8 +134 5 +23 = 8 +224 6 +15 6 *16 6 /16 = 8 +233 6 +24 6 *23 = 9 +126 9 *133 7 +16 = 9 +135 7 +25 = 9 +144 7 +34 = 9 +225 8 +26 8 *24 = 9 +234 8 +35 = 10 +136 10 *125 9 +36 = 10 +145 9 +45 = 10 +226 10 +46 10 *25 = 10 +235 11 +56 = 10 +244 12 *26 = 10 +334 12 *34 = 11 +146 15 *35 = 11 +155 18 *36 = 11 +236 20 *45 = 11 +245 24 *46 = 11 +335 30 *56 = 11 +344 ================================================================= 12 +156 12 *126 8 +11222 8 *11222 = 12 +246 12 *134 9 +11223 = 12 +255 12 *223 10 +11224 = 12 +336 10 +11233 = 12 +345 11 +11225 = 13 +166 11 +11234 = 13 +256 11 +11333 = 13 +346 12 +11226 12 *11223 = 13 +355 12 +11235 = 13 +445 12 +11244 = 14 +266 12 +11334 = 14 +356 12 +12333 = 14 +446 13 +11236 = 14 +455 13 +11245 = 15 +366 15 *135 13 +11335 = 15 +456 16 *144 13 +11344 = 16 +466 16 *224 13 +12334 = 16 +556 13 +22333 = 17 +566 14 +11246 = 18 *136 14 +11255 = 18 *233 14 +11336 = 20 *145 14 +11345 = 20 *225 14 +11444 = 24 *146 14 +12335 = 24 *226 14 +12344 = 24 *234 14 +22334 = 25 *155 15 +11256 = 30 *156 15 +11346 = 30 *235 15 +11355 = 32 *244 15 +11445 = 36 *166 15 +12336 = 36 *236 15 +12345 = 36 *334 15 +12444 = 40 *245 15 +22335 = 45 *335 15 +22344 = 48 *246 16 +11266 16 *11224 = 48 *344 16 +11356 = 50 *255 16 +11446 = 54 *336 16 +11455 = 60 *256 16 +12346 = 60 *345 16 +12355 = 72 *266 16 +12445 = 72 *346 16 +13444 = 75 *355 16 +22336 = 80 *445 16 +22345 = 90 *356 16 +22444 = 96 *446 17 +11366 = 100 *455 17 +11456 = 108 *366 17 +11555 = 120 *456 17 +12356 = 144 *466 17 +12446 = 150 *556 17 +12455 = 180 *566 17 +13445 ============================ 17 +22346 = 4 *1122 17 +22355 = 6 +1122 6 *1123 17 +22445 = 7 +1123 17 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