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Kenmu (建武) was a Japanese era name (年号, nengō, lit. year name) of the Southern Court during the Era of Northern and Southern Courts after Genkō and before Engen. This period spanned the years from 1334 through 1336 in the south, and until 1338 in the North. Reigning Emperors were Emperor Go-Daigo-tennō (後醍醐天皇) in the south and Emperor Kōmyō-tennō (光明天皇) in the north.

  • Bunkyu 3, 3, 11 (April 29, 1863): Emperor Komei made an Imperial progress to Kamo-jinja. He was accompanied by the shogun, all the principal officials and many feudal lords. This was the first Imperial progress since Go-Minoo visited Nijo Castle more than 230 years before; and an Emperor had not visited Kamo since GoDaigo honored both shrines on Kemmu 1, 9, 27.[1]


[edit] References

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Ponsonby-Fane, p. 325.

[edit] Further reading

  • Ponsonby-Fane, Richard A. B. (1956). Kyoto: The Old Capital of Japan, 794-1869. Kyoto: The Ponsonby Memorial Society.

[edit] External links

Preceded by
Japanese era name (south) Succeeded by
Japanese era name (north) Succeeded by