Keith Allan

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Keith Allan
Nationality Australian Flag of Australia
Employers Monash University
Home town Professor of Linguistics

Keith Allan MLitt, PhD (Edinburgh), FAHA, is Professor of Linguistics at Monash University. His research interests focus mainly on aspects of meaning in language, with a secondary interest in the history and philosophy of linguistics. Allan sees language as a form of social interactive behavior and believes this to be an important consideration in any thorough account of meaning in natural language.

After schooling in London, Allan went to do drama at University of Leeds, but once there, took up linguistics instead. He went from Leeds to Ghana and thence to the University of Edinburgh in the late sixties to do a MLitt. Africa called again, and after three years in northern Nigeria, he signed up for a doctorate at Edinburgh on NP countability. A year in the University of Essex and a semester in Germany, was followed by a couple of years in Kenya. He arrived at Monash in 1978, where, but for a year in Tucson at the University of Arizona and a few odd months in other exotic spots, he has stayed.

Currently co-editor of The Australian Journal of Linguistics[1], Allan has many articles in books, journals and conference proceedings. He was semantics editor for International Encyclopaedia of Linguistics (Cambridge University Press 1994, 2nd edn, 2003). Editor for Logical and Lexical Semantics of the Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics 2nd Edition (Elsevier, 2006). He also edited ALS[2] Conference Proceedings in 2001 and 2006.

[edit] Publications

  • Linguistic Meaning (two volumes, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986)
  • Euphemism and Dysphemism: Language Used as Shield and Weapon (with Kate Burridge, Oxford University Press 1991
  • Natural Language Semantics (Blackwell, 2001)
  • Forbidden Words: Taboo and the Censoring of Language (with Kate Burridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006)[3]
  • The Western Classical Tradition in Linguistics (Equinox, 2007)[4]

[edit] External links
