Keiko Fujimori

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Keiko Sofía Fujimori Higuchi (born 1975)[1] is a Peruvian politician, daughter of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and Susana Higuchi. In August 1994 her father named her First Lady of Peru after stripping her mother of the title; she was the youngest First Lady in Peru and in the history of the Americas.

In 2004, Fujimori married Mark Villanella, an American citizen from Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. After over a year of residence in the United States, she returned to Peru to announce her father's candidacy in the April 2006 Peruvian presidential election, though he was forbidden to participate in any political activity until 2011 under a congressional ban. While in the United States Fujimori attended the highly regarded Columbia Business School in Manhattan for a year and a half and obtained a business degree from Boston University School of Management. In April 2006, while her father was detained in neighboring Chile, Fujimori was elected to the Peruvian Congress, obtaining the highest vote nationwide.

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Current Congress of the Republic of Peru (2006-2011)

Amazonas: Maslucan, Salazar
Ancash: Anaya, Balta, Calderón, Mallqui,
Apurímac: Galindo, A. León
Arequipa: Eguren, González, Gutiérrez,
 Mendoza, Santos
Ayacucho: Huancahuari, E. León, Urquizo
Cajamarca: Cabrera, Chacón, E. Espinoza,
 Florián, Rebaza
Callao: Giampietri, Mekler, Negreiros, Pérez
Cusco: Luizar, Mayorga, Sumire, Supa,
Huancavelica: Ruiz, Saldaña
Huánuco: Beteta, Cajahuanca, Huerta
Ica: Núñez, Gonzales P.*, Serna, Yamashiro

Junín: Acosta, Canchaya, Pando, Reymundo,
La Libertad: Alegría, Alva Castro, Benites,
 Escudero, Robles, Rodríguez, Urtecho
Lambayeque: Aguinaga, Carpio, G. Espinoza,
 Falla, Velásquez
Lima: Abugattás, Alcorta, Andrade, Bedoya,
 Bruce, Cabanillas, Castro, Cuculiza,
 del Castillo, K. Fujimori, S. Fujimori, Galarreta,
 García Belaúnde, Herrera, Hildebrandt, Lazo,
 L. León, Lombardi, Luna, Menchola, Moyano,
 Mulder, Pérez del Solar, Raffo, Reggiardo,
 Sasieta, Silva, Sousa, Torres Caro, Uribe,
 Valle Riestra, Vásquez, Vega, Waisman,

Loreto: Isla, Peña, Vargas
Madre de Dios: Perry
Moquegua: H. Guevara, Zeballos
Pasco: de la Cruz, Ramos
Piura: Carrasco, M. Espinoza,
 M. Guevara,  Morales, Peralta,
Puno: Cenzano, Estrada, Lescano,
 Sucari, Vilca
San Martín: Obregón, Pastor,
Tacna: Flores, Ordoñez
Tumbes: Cánepa, Sánchez
Ucayali: Macedo , Najar

*President of Congress

Parties/Alliances: APRA | UPP | UN | AF | FC | PP | RN | PDP