
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello people.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
UK This user uses British English.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire en français.
ja-1 この利用者は少しだけ日本語を話すことができます。
BS-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Bullshit.
AmE-0 This user does not understand the American English language and bloody well doesn't want to.
1337 7|-|15 |_|x0r 5|>34|<5 1337.
pig-5 Isthay useryay ancay ontributecay Igpay Atinlay atyay ayay ofessionalpray evellay.
Other Userboxes
You just lost The Game.
vn-4 This user page has been vandalized 4 times.
☺ This user is part of the
Welcoming Committee.
This user is a member of the
Counter-Vandalism Unit.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
ie This contributor uses any browser other than Internet Explorer.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows .
This user is addicted to video games.
This user plays games in the Super Mario series.
This user plays the Metroid series.
This user plays games from The Legend of Zelda series.
Image:Rounded Rectangles.svg This user plays games on the Nintendo DS portable console.
This user plays games on the Nintendo GameCube console.
teen This user is a teenager.
SI This user prefers the metric system of measurement.
?met? This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans have such a hard time with them.
This user is a statistician.
This user's deviation is standard
This user is pretty sure that he is an outlier compared to everybody else.
>_< This person dislikes Manga (or doesn't admit to reading it).
This user is proud to be British.
User:Smerus/User No Euro
This user's time zone is GMT.
Sec This user is in secondary school.
This user enjoys rock music.
fan-3 This user loves Arctic Monkeys.
This user thinks The Beatles are overrated.
This user owns goldfish.
This user is owned by one or more cats.
This user DOES NOT live in a pineapple under the sea.
This user has satellite television provided by Sky Digital.
This user's TV service provider is Freeview.
Newspaper This user reads The Sun.
.sdrawkcab si resu sihT
This user likes alternative rock.
This user supports the Official Monster Raving Loony Party.
This user is short-sighted.
This user is probably going to Hell.
evol-4 This user is absolutely certain of the theory of evolution.
Pi ≈ 3.14159265358979323846264

33832795028841971693993751058 20974944592307816406286208998 62803482534211706798214808651 32823066470938446095505822317 25359408128481117450284102701 93852110555964462294895493038 19644288109756659334461284756 48233786783165271201909145648 56692346038610454326648213393 60726024914127372458700660631 55817488152092096282925409171 53643678925903600113305305488 20466521384146951941511609

ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
This user is a former member of the worldwide family of Scouting.
Mr. T This user pities the fool!
DEAL This user wants to play Deal or No Deal with Noel Edmonds.
RD This user knows that "they're all dead, Dave".
1 This user thinks
Thunderbirds are GO!
This user thinks Family Guy is freakin' sweet.
This user demands you Respect my authoritah!
Ted This user has visited Craggy Island.
8.4 This user is Numberwang!
8/10 8 out of 10 cats said, "This user is brilliant."