Kazuma Mikura

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Kazuma Mikura
Air Gear character
Image:Mikura Kazuma.jpg
Created by Oh! great
Voiced by KENN (Japanese)
Clint Bickham (English)
Aliases Kazu
Age 15
Gender Male
Date of birth January 23, 1993[citation needed]
Date of death N/A
Occupation Student, Storm Rider
Title Flame King (Successor)
Known relatives Sister and parents
Storm Rider Info
Team Kogarasumaru
Status Flame King (Successor)
Road Flame Road
Tuner TBA

Kazuma Mikura (美鞍 数馬 Mikura Kazuma?) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Air Gear created by Oh! great.


[edit] Character outline and personality

The childhood friend of Minami Itsuki, he was influenced by Ikki to take up AT. He is in the same class as Ikki. His friends address him as "Kazu." Kazu is rarely seen without his hat on; it usually only leaves his head when he is fighting. Kazu is also notorious in Kogarasumaru for being the one who trains the most. He also normally represents a sort of morality when it comes to women, whereas Onigiri and Ikki are more lecherous. For example, when Onigiri caught up with Croissant Mask (Ringo in disguise) during their first parts war in order to look at her butt, Kazu was embarrassed while Ikki was envious. It is revealed that Kazu has an older sister and lives with her, as his parents are overseas and rarely around.

[edit] Synopsis

[edit] Before AT

Before taking up AT, Kazu was one of Ikki's friends, and a member of the East Side Gunz. It has been revealed that years ago Ikki bullied Kazu, and forced Kazu to fight his "henchmen" up a treehouse in order for Ikki to stop bullying him. When the Yaio took control of the school, Kazu was forced to lure Ikki into a trap. Kazu felt so sorry about this that he apologized profusely and tried to fight Buccha by taking up AT.

[edit] Pre-Tropheum

Kazu's AT battles and style of riding AT is heavily influenced by his role as Ikki's sidekick. He lacks self-confidence because he is always overshadowed by Ikki's natural talent. As a result, he often underperforms and even attempted to avoid competing in Kogarasumaru's first Parts War battle. In their first battle, he wanted Agito to compete in his place but Ikki was able to convince him not to give up his turn. As a result, Kazu's real skills and potential - speed, and ultimately the Flame Road - is revealed.

Despite feeling inferior to Ikki, Kazu is fiercely loyal to him and often shows that he values Ikki's pride and well-being far beyond his own. For example, prior to ATs, Ikki had become the new leader of the East Side Gunz, but he abandoned this position to pursue his future in ATs. The former leaders of the Gunz offered Kazu the prestigious leadership spot of the Gunz in exchange for Kazu providing them with Ikki's head. In reply, Kazu fought all five of them at once, instinctively sticking up for Ikki.

Kazu was the interim leader of Kogarasumaru for a short period of time while Ikki was hospitalized after their class trip to Kyoto. His insecurity resurfaced as he led the team to a loss in a Parts War battle they should have won. Eventually Kazu overcomes his insecurity and manages to bring Kogarasumaru into B class before Ikki returns to the team.

[edit] Current status

While Ikki and Agito learn about the true history of AT from Sleeping Forest, the Flame King Spitfire imparts the same history to Kazu. As Spitfire is concluding the story of the history of AT, they are interrupted by Sora and Nike. Spitfire engages them in an impromptu battle and is later assisted in battle by Aeon Clock while Kazu is relegated to the sidelines where he watches in awe.

Despite the importance of the appearance of Sora and Nike to the AT world, Spitfire and Aeon Clock did not allow Kazu to participate in the battle. In fact, the battle was not in Kazu's skill range at all and he had no choice but to watch AT history unfold in front of him. His participation in the battle ended when Spitfire hid him along with the Flame Regalia to keep them safe.

Kazu plays a large role in kick-starting Kogarasumaru's new efforts at "reaching the top". He possesses the Flame Regalia and Spitfire's old ATs, in which he found Spitfire's "read chip". Taking the initiative, he organized a large Storm Rider meeting and inspired Ikki to begin riding ATs again by showing everyone a message from Spitfire. After that, he began to train harder in order to master the Flame Road. During the storm incident Aeon Clock stole the Flame Regalia while they were distracted. after returning to school, Kazu falls into a deep state of depression, so much so, that when a shotput accidently hits him in the stomach, his only remark, is anger at the thrower for missing his head. While wandering aimlessly, Kazu is met by a strange girl who seems to recognize him somehow. after reading his palm, he is led into an underground chasm, where a "demonic worshipping cult" has taken residence. Since his battle with Behemoth, Kazu had become an underground legend. Falling deeper into dispair, Kazu is "woken up", when on of the demon gods, calls him by name, and reveals several personal things about him, (like how he is a virgin since he had thrown up on his first date). The demon god is actually, a disguise, where men can take a "closer look" at the mostly naked girls of the cult. After challenging Kazu to a game of Angels and Demons, Kazu accepts, and once more, rides. The demon god is secretly revealed to be Ikki, since one of the "founders" of the cult, was one of the members of the East Side Gunz. After the fight begins, Ikki clearly has the upper hand, causing Kazu to rapidly remember the training he had practiced off of spitfires read chip. Using the "TIME" technique, Kazu seems to have won, until Ikki "who had also been practicing" creates a cyclone using his AT's, a move that mimicked the technique Kazu had seen performed by Sora, during the "death of SpitFire" battle. Realizing it is indeed Ikki, Kazu decides to step out of Ikkis shadow, and attempt to defeat him.

[edit] Abilities

Kazuma "Kazu" Mikura is a speed-type rider. This means that he specializes in speed and, as such, is often characterized by Oh! great as a jet plane. As a highly-skilled speed-type rider, Kazu can move so fast that, at his top speed, he becomes invisible to the average human eye light speed, and even to cameras. Kazu also possesses the ability to not only understand but also copy a technique like Spitfires flaming trail which he only saw once and also understanding Gabishi's Horn Road's ability Air Cannon after only seeing it a few times while escaping, which is nearly impossible for many other riders. His innate skills are recognized early on to be exceptional by Spitfire, and, though he has been overshadowed in terms of recognition due to his abilities, he has been noted by many top riders to be a somewhat skilled rider.

Though not as strong as Ikki, Kazu has shown many times to be very good in a fist fight. He was able to beat up five muscular seniors at school at once by himself. He was also able to dish out several devastating attacks against Aeon Clock during their initial fight before succumbing to his ability to stop time.

Although originally characterized as a jet plane, after the fight with Behemoth people on the net began to refer to Kazu as "The Pegasus That Came Down To Earth". Most recently, he has now been characterized by a lance-wielding knight riding on the back of a shining Pegasus.

[edit] Signature Moves

  • After Burner

As his opponent gets ready to strike him Kazu suddenly disappears leaving little trails of fireballs. But basically, the move gives short bursts of speed to the rider using the same principle as the jet engine of a fighter plane

  • Oh ! Time

This trick is done by hitting the opponent in certain nerve points in their body, like the chin or the back of the head, hence stunning them and robbing them of movement completely. Also the opponent will be on the verge of blackening-out and even if they retain their senses, their body will still be unable to move and they will feel a burning sensation.

Air Gear by Oh! great
v  d  e
Franchise: Manga • Media and Materials • Musical
Characters: Itsuki • Kazu • Akito • Sora • Other Characters
Teams: Kogarasumaru • Sleeping Forest • Genesis • Behemoth • Tool Toul To
Other: Kings and Roads • Terms • Air Trecks