Katja Kipping

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Katja Kipping
Katja Kipping

Katja Kipping (born in Dresden, Germany on January 18, 1978) is a German politician. The daughter of a teacher and an economist, she went to school from 1984 to 1996, then she studied Abitur ('A-level') at a gymnasium in Dresden until 1997. She then spent time in Russia, before returning and becoming, in 1998, a member of the then Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), now Left Party.

[edit] Political life

She was a town councillor in Dresden from 1999 until 2003, and from September 1999 to 2004 she was a delegate in the Saxony state parliament as spokeswoman for traffic and energy policy. Since July 2003 she has been deputy chairman of the PDS. From 2005 she is a Member of the Bundestag (the German parliament) for the Left Party. She is a proponent of a guaranteed minimum income.

[edit] External links