Katherine Tingley

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Katherine Augusta Westcott Tingley (1847, Newbury, Massachusetts - 1929, Visingsö, Sweden) was a social worker and prominent Theosophist.


Founders of the T. S.

Helena Blavatsky
William Quan Judge
Henry Steel Olcott


Alice Bailey · Annie Besant
Geoffrey Hodson · C.W. Leadbeater
Alfred Percy Sinnett · Rudolf Steiner
Abner Doubleday


Theosophical mysticism
Seven Rays


Theosophical Society
TS Adyar · TS Pasadena · ULT

Theosophical texts

Isis Unveiled
The Key to Theosophy
Mahatma Letters
The Secret Doctrine
The Voice of the Silence

Theosophical Masters

Sanat Kumara
Djwal Khul
Paul the Venetian
Serapis Bey
Master Hilarion
Master Jesus
Master Rakoczi

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Esotericism · Neo-Theosophy
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Tingley was a social worker in New York when she met William Quan Judge. She joined the Theosophical Society on October 13, 1894. In 1895, disputes between Judge and Annie Besant lead to a split, with Judge taking most of the American section with him, and leading it for one year until his death in 1896. At that point Tingley became the new head of the organization, although her identity was concealed for one year. On February 13, 1900, she transferred the Society's international headquarters from New York City to Lomaland at Point Loma, California.

Tingley founded the Raja-Yoga School and Theosophical University in Point Loma.

[edit] See also
