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Kashmar (Persian:کاشمر) is a city located near the river Sish Taraz in the western part of the Khorassan province, and 217 kilometers south of the province's capital Mashhad, in Iran. Until two centuries ago, this city was named Torshiz (Persian:ترشیز). The population is reported by the government to be 180,000 though is perceived as a much smaller city.

There are two centers of higher education in this city, Payam-e-Noor University (a distant education system), and the Islamic Azad University of Kashmar.

The small city is a major producer of raisins and has about 40 types of grapes. It is also internationally recognised for exporting saffron, and hand-made Persian rugs.

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Coordinates: 36°24′N, 58°02′E

There are many nice places in this city like "Aramgah Seyyed morteza" and "Bagh Mazar" and "Aramgahe seyyed mohammade Abed" and "Aramgahe modarres" The history of this city comes back to Zartosht and "Sarv-e Kashmar", the Cypress of Kashmar (see also oldest tree). It seems that this is the single miracle of this prophet there are many fables about this.

There are some people in Iran who are originally from Kashmar, but they live in other cities of Iran. One of them is Mr. Taghi Vahidi, an electrical engineer who lives and works in Birjand. To know more about him, please refer to his personal website: [1]