
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Personal Info
Name Kari M. Hazzard
Age 21
Sex Female
Location Rochester, New York
User Page Vandalised 10 times
AIM KikiExtrapolis
Meta Karimarie (T | C)
Wikisource Karimarie (T | C)
Wikiversity Karimarie (T | C)
Ideas and Beliefs
Politics Libertarian
Religion Jewish
Sexuality Soft butch lesbian
Measurement Metric
OS Gentoo Linux
Web Browser Mozilla Firefox
Spoken English (Native)
Japanese (Intermediate)
French (Beginner)
Hebrew (Beginner)
Signed ASL (Intermediate)
ISL (Beginner)
Hypertext CSS (Advanced)
HTML (Advanced)
Scripting ActionScript (Advanced)
AWK (Advanced)
bash (Intermediate)
PHP (Intermediate)
Perl (Beginner)
Programming Java (Advanced)
C (Intermediate)
Ada (Intermediate)
WikiProjects Business and Economics
Counter-Vandalism Unit
Jewish History
Articles Started
Mishnah Berakhot (Talmud)
Other Contributions
Judaism Lekhah Dodi
Pidyon HaBen
Tisha B'Av
Video games Ragnarok Online
TV Shows Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
Doctor Who
Battlestar Galactica
Movies Stargate
The Matrix
Boondock Saints
This user is American; recognized ancestry ends at the border.

This user is deaf.

This user is nearsighted.

R·I·T This user attends or attended Rochester Institute of Technology.

This user is an undergraduate student majoring in Information Technology and minoring in Japanese Language.

This user believes in a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

This user is a member of Wikipedians against censorship.

This user supports action to stop violence against women, particularly on December 6.

This user supports the fight against breast cancer.

This user has arranged for organ donation; have you?

This user supports hybrid vehicles.

This user supports the use of nuclear power.

This user supports public transit.

This user supports recycling.


[edit] Her Self

Hi, my name is Kari M. Hazzard and this is my virtually unknown (and uncared-about) userpage. You can assume that the userboxes on the right tell a story all their own which while simplistic is not entirely incorrect. I am 20 years old, a member of Generation Y. I'm not a hard person to talk to and I love meeting new people. Put something into my Talk page (or IM or email me) if you're interested in making a friend.

[edit] Heritage

My heritage is pretty much unknown to me. I have some Italian in me, some Irish, some English, some German. I honestly have no clue what that makes me, so I typically call myself a mutt. I sometimes wonder about my origins, and I've thought of having DNA tests done to learn some about my heritage, but since it's not really that important for me, I haven't actually done anything. I learned at Ellis Island a few years ago that my surname Hazzard is an English name. Apparently one of my ancestors (or perhaps a group) were knighted following the Battle of Hastings.

[edit] Her Lifestyle

[edit] Sexuality

I identify as a lesbian. My coming out was something that did not go over very well with my parents, but they've slowly come to accept it and that makes me feel good inside. I'm currently single and loving it.

[edit] Deafness

I was born with essentially no hearing above 4 kHz, a fact which has not changed throughout my life. What has changed, however, was the amount of hearing I have below that point. I am at least led to believe I had normal hearing below 4 kHz for most of my life, however as I was never tested when I was young there is no way to verify this. In any event, right now, I have moderate hearing loss in both ears from 1500 Hz to 4 kHz. I have normal hearing below 1500 Hz, though, which is why I don't have any difficulty speaking. I did have to do a bit of speech threapy when I was young to fill in the gaps of my consonant hearing. I should wear two hearing aids, but I cannot afford one for my right ear at this time. I have a Siemens Acuris P for my left ear.

[edit] Use of Metric

I may be an American, but I prefer the metric system by far because I'm a rational person. I stand 160cm and weigh 65 kilos. No, I will not restate that in the American system.

[edit] Her Faith

Meh. I believe in a unifying force in the universe, a force that provides order and sets direction. Most people call this force God. I believe that God does at times intervene in the course of human history, but only in exceptionally rare cases (such as the story of the Exodus). I believe the universe started with the Big Bang and that the Biblical creation story is a myth that has poetic value but is not literally accurate. I believe the first Biblical figure that may have actually existed in some form is Avram, though his exploits are just legends, not necessarily true. I believe when a person dies he or she is reincarnated, but always into another human body. I believe in karma and that suffering is caused by sinning in previous lives. God does not punish us for our crimes in this life, but in our next one. The ultimate objective of living is to reach unity with God by bringing perfection to the world. I believe the state should be founded on secular principles rather than any particular religion. I respect other people's beliefs and hope that they will respect mine. I've extended myself the right to explore and figure out what it is that I really believe in, so I respect the right of everyone else to find their own way to communicate with the Almighty and have their own meaningful relationship with God as well. What all that drivel makes me I don't know.

[edit] Her Communication

My native language is English. Being partially deaf, I do have some difficulty understanding speech, but I don't have any difficulty speaking myself. If you're talking to me, speak clearly and articulately and I should be able to understand you. I can sign well enough to communicate, though I am by no means fluent or a native signer. I want to be able to sign fluently in ASL and I often feel guilty among my deaf friends as I can't sign nearly as well as they can and yet I'm quite hard-of-hearing myself. I can fingerspell in Israeli Sign Language and I'm hoping to eventually be a fluent signer in that as well, but it's not a high priority for me at the moment.

I am infatuated with Japanese and Hebrew and am learning both as second languages. I'm hoping to eventually be fluent in both. I studied French in high school. I might try to relearn it and actually become fluent someday, but I don't have the time or the drive right now. If I ever have the time, I'd like to learn German, Yiddish, Korean, Finnish, Swedish and Greek also.

[edit] Her Travels

[edit] International

Months to Days:
Really want to go:
To go some day:
Idea and layout "borrowed" from User:Salsb who stole it from User:Guettarda who borrowed it from User:Coolcat

[edit] American

Weeks to Months:
Just Passing Through:
Idea and layout "borrowed" from User:Salsb who stole it from User:Guettarda who borrowed it from User:Coolcat

[edit] Projects

[edit] Mishnah

Full status report

I am currently working with other members of WikiProject Judaism to clean up and expand upon the articles on the Mishnah and its tractates on Wikipedia.

We have a long way to go, but I'd say some progress is being made.

[edit] Userspace Organisation

  • /Projects - Status reports of major undertakings I've made
  • /Workshop - Articles being written or developed