Karpaty Army

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Karpaty Army (Polish: Armia Karpaty), formed on July 11, 1939 under Major General Kazimierz Fabrycy, was created after Germany annexed Czechoslovakia and created a puppet state of Slovakia.


[edit] Tasks

Forces as of 31 August and German plan of attack.
Forces as of 31 August and German plan of attack.
Forces as of 14 September with troop movements up to this date.
Forces as of 14 September with troop movements up to this date.
Forces after 14 September with troop movements after this date
Forces after 14 September with troop movements after this date

The main aim of the army was to secure mountain passes in the Carpathians from Czorsztyn to Polish-Romanian border and to protect the Centralny Okręg Przemysłowy industrial region.

[edit] Operational history

Initially the army consisted of 2 improvised mountain brigades and a number of smaller units, but later in the course of war (on September 6) was joined by forces of the withdrawing Armia Kraków, forming the Małopolska Army.

From from 11th September commanded by general Kazimierz Sosnkowski (after general Fabrycy was reassigned to command the Polish Southern Front).

The Army took heavy casualties retreating through the San river and was destroyed during the battle of Lwów on September 20th.

[edit] Organization

The Army was commanded by general Kazimierz Fabrycy. His chief of staff was colonel Witold Dzierżykraj-Morawski.

Attached to the Armia Karpaty was the Kaw Group which consisted of:

  • Warsaw Mechanized Brigade
  • 46th Light Artillery
  • 47th Light Artillery

Additionally, mobilisation plans called for creation of the Tarnow Group consisting of:

On 4 September the Army was strenghtened by reserve units:

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[edit] See also

[edit] References
