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Karlan is believed to be one of the sons of the legendary Qais Abdur Rashid, the folklorish ancestor of the Pashtun people.


[edit] Legacy

Karlan had two sons named Kuki and Kodi. Through these two sons we get the Karlanri tribes.

[edit] Tribes

The Karlanri tribes are revered by other Pashtun tribes for their enhanced fighting skills. The Karlanri tribes have never been subjugated by a foreign power and continue to live their lives in the same way that they always have.

[edit] Well-Known Karlanri Tribes

  1. Afridi
  2. Bangash
  3. Dawari
  4. Dilazak
  5. Khattak
  6. Khugyani
  7. Mahsud
  8. Mangal
  9. Orakzai
  10. Wardak
  11. Waziri
  12. Zadran
  13. Zazi (Dzadzi)

The vast majority of Karlanri Pashtuns are descendants of, but are not limited to, these tribes.

[edit] Family Tree (Shajarah)

  • Karlan
    • Kodi
      • Dilazak
      • Orakzai
      • Musazai
      • Mangal
      • Hani
      • Wardak
        • Mahyar
        • Mir Khel
        • Noori
    • Kuki
      • Burhan
        • Usman (Afridi)
        • Luqman (Khattak)
        • Zadran
        • Utman
      • Zadran
      • Khugyani
        • Dzadzi
      • Utman
      • Suleiman
        • Wazir
          • Khadri
            • Musa Derwesh
              • Ahmad Zai
            • Mahmood
              • Mahsud
      • Shitak