Karl von Lützow

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Karl von Lützow (1832-97) was a German art historian and critic, born at Göttingen. He studied philology and archæology at Göttingen and Munich, and was associated in Berlin with Lübke in editing Denkmäler der Kunst. He was appointed docent of art history at the University of Munich in 1858, then edited in Vienna the Rezensionen und Mittheilungen über bildende Kunst, and in 1864 became professor at the Academy, where in 1866 he was also made librarian and custodian of the cabinet of engravings. His valuable publications include:

  • Die vervielfältigende Kunst der Gegenwart (1886; et seq.)
  • Die Kunstschätze Italiens in geographisch-historischer Uebersicht geschildert (second edition, 1900)
  • Geschichte des deutschen Kupferstichs und Holzschnitts (1891)

He founded at Leipzig the Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst (1866, et seq,), of which he was editor up to the time of his death.