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Karate House is the seventh full-length album by Japanese band Polysics. Electric Surfin' Go Go, You-You-You and Catch On Everywhere were released as singles in Japan. The song POLYSICS OR DIE!!! is structured very similarly to Jocko Homo by Devo, who are Polysics' major influence.
[edit] Track listing
- ワトソン [Watson]
- Electric Surfin' Go Go
- ニューウェーブ電話相談室 [New Wave Denwa Soudan Shitsu]
- Catch On Everywhere
- ハードロックサンダー [Hard Rock Thunder]
- 偉大なる頭脳 [Idai Naru Zunou]
- ズーバーマン [Superman]
- 人生の灰 [Jinsei no Hai]
- サイボーグ彼女 [Cyborg Kanojo]
- 赤いマスター [Akai Master]
- 夢・打ち込み [yume.uchikomi]
- プロテニス [Pro Tennis]
- オールウェイズハピネス [Always Happiness]
- Shizuka Is A Machine Doctor
- You-You-You