Karanovo culture

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Holocene epoch
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Preboreal (10 ka - 9 ka),
Boreal (9 ka - 8 ka),
Atlantic (8 ka - 5 ka),
Subboreal (5 ka - 2.5 ka) and
Subatlantic (2.5 ka - present).

The Karanovo culture is a neolithic culture (Karanovo I-III ca. 62nd to 55th centuries BC) named for the Bulgarian village of Karanovo (Караново, Sliven Province 42°30′41″N, 25°54′54″E). The site at Karanovo itself was a hilltop settlement of 18 buildings, housing some 100 inhabitants.[1]. This site was inhabited more or less continuously from the early 7th to the early 2nd millennia BC.

The Gumelnita-Karanovo culture (Gumelnita is a site on the left (Romanian) bank of the Danube) is a chalcholithic (5th millennium) culture, extending along the Black Sea coast to central Bulgaria and into Thrace. The aggregate "Gumelnita-Karanovo VI-Kodjadermen" evolves out of the earlier Boian, Marita and Karanovo V cultures. It is supplanted by Cernavoda I in the early 4th millennium.


[edit] Timeline

The layers at Karanovo are employed as a chronological system for Balkans prehistory:

  • Karanovo I-II: Early Neolithic (6th millennium BC)
  • Karanovo III-IV: Late Neolithic (5th millennium BC)
  • Karanovo V-VI: Chalcolithic (4th millennium BC)
  • Karanovo VII: Early Bronze Age (3300-2700 BC)

[edit] Literature

  • Stefan Hiller, Vassil Nikolov (eds.), Karanovo III. Beiträge zum Neolithikum in Südosteuropa Österreichisch-Bulgarische Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Karanovo, Band III, Vienna (2000), ISBN 3-901232-19-2.

[edit] Notes

[edit] External links