Kappa Epsilon

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Kappa Epsilon
Founded May 13, 1921 (1921-05-13) (age 87)
Iowa City, Iowa
Type Professional Pharmacy
Scope National
Colors Red and White
Flower Red rose
Jewel Pearl
Chapters 37 collegiate, 10 alumni
Headquarters 7700 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 201
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Homepage kappaepsilon.org

Kappa Epsilon () is a professional pharmacy fraternity founded by Zada M. Cooper on May 13, 1921. It was founded with the purpose of uniting female pharmacy students in an era when women were a minority in the profession. Today, KE has 38 collegiate chapters and 10 alumni chapters. Over 20,000 women and men have been initiated into KE since its founding [1].

Kappa Epsilon's National Project is the promotion of breast cancer awareness. Many KE chapters participate in the Race for the Cure or Relay For Life. KE chapters are also encouraged to promote awareness of other women's health issues such as osteoporosis. KE's recently added the Pharmacy Career Opportunity Recruitment Project (Pharm-CORP) to their National Project. Pharm-CORP works to introduce pharmacy careers to middle and high school aged students and encourages them to excel in math and the sciences.

Kappa Epsilon sponsors one scholarship and one fellowship. The Zada Cooper Scholarship, named for the fraternity's founder, is given to six students every year. The Nellie Wakeman Fellowship is given to a member in his/her last year of pharmacy school who wishes to pursue graduate study. For both awards, the recipient must be a fraternity member in good standing.

Every two years, the fraternity holds a convention where national officers are elected and collegiate and alumni members can network. The most recent convention was held July 25-29, 2007 in Charlotte, NC.

The official colors of Kappa Epsilon are only Red and White.

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