User:Kaos Machina

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[edit] History

A novice to Wikipedia editing, but not Wikipedia itself, Kaos Machina often visits Wikipedia on his down time, and also uses it as one of his primary sources for information. He considers himself a christian, but does beleive in many things that are contreversial, such as magic, therianthropy, and many mythological creatures, such as dragons, with a open mind. He lives with his grandparents, and he currently goes to PPEP TEC High School.

[edit] Beliefs

Kaos has been taught by his grandfather, who is not officially a member of any religon, that all god-worshipping religions are at least partially wrong, because humans run them, and humans interpret, change, and twist things around. He has also come to believe that most religons are interconnected, because almost all have one supreme being at the top, a god above all gods. After all, "Thou shalt worship no god before me." Not "other than", but "before". Many people say that that is what He(or She, Or It... He just doesn't take as long to type) meant by before, but if that were the case wouldn't He just say "other Than"?

[edit] Open Mind Policy

I am open to criticism, and would like to her what other people think of me having read this.

This user's favourite animal is the Grey Wolf.
cvg-3 This user is an advanced gamer.
1337 This user is totally 1337.
This user mashes buttons. Real hard.
+ This user plays retro games.
This user is interested in computer and video game development.
This user is against computer and video game censorship and regulation.
This user is opposed to regional lockout.
AYB This user knows that
"all your base are belong to us."
? This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
This user wants a PlayStation 3 but is too poor to get one.
This user likes both the PSP and the DS.
This user plays games on the Nintendo GameCube console.
Top cord: You kill the Game Boy, I'll go after the kid!
Bottom cord: Got it!
This user didn't do it!!
This user is a Nintendo fanboy.
Scepia This user finally understands why Scepia moved so many gaming userboxes.
iron fist This user is a Tekken player

Tekken 5 This user plays Tekken 5.

T This user's favorite Tekken character is [[{{{1}}}]].