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Kandara is a town in Maragua District, Central Province in Kenya. Kandara is located 10 kilometres south of Kigumo and 30 kilometres north of Thika. Kandara hosts a town council with a population of 28,840 (1999 census [1]).

Kandara town counci has four civic wards: Gakui/Karimamwaro, Gathugu/Ruchu/Gakarara, Gatundu/Kiiri/Kandara and Kaguthi/Githuya. All of them are part of the Kandara Constituency [2]..

Kandara is the headquarters of Kandara division, an administrative division in Maragua district. Kandara division has a population of 157,454 (1999 census [3]). Kandara division has the following locations: Gaichanjiru, Ithiru, Kagunduini, Muruka and Ruchu [4].

Coordinates: 54°00′S, 37°00′E

[edit] References

  1. ^ Kenya National Bureau of Statistics: Population of local authorities
  2. ^ Electoral Commission of Kenya: Registration centres by electoral area and constituency
  3. ^ Communications Commission of Kenya: Status of Coverage of Communications Services
  4. ^ Central Bureau of Statistics (Kenya): Geographic Dimensions of Well-Being in Kenya