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Kamal Sajja

Kamal Sajja Kamal Sajja is a junior at Lakeside High School in Atlanta, Georgia. Due to his invention of the time machine he is currently teleporting back in time. You can find him in they sky flying in his flying car which he also invented. Once asked by all Harvard University professors to become the university president, he turned down after finding out that all the males at Harvard were turning gay after being told to do so by presidential hopeful Barack Obama. After voting for Bush on the election, senator John Kerry attempted to have him killed and he then proceeded to try and steal the election and after failing blamed the entire ordeal on Bush. All the idiotic Democrats proceeded to believe him and every word he says just like they believe Obama. Kamal Does not believe in the following: pollution, global warming, saving trees, the ozone, democrats, tree huggers, vegeterians, extinction of the earth, islam, liberalism, communism, socialism and anything else created by Al Gore and his fellow democrats. Kamal is a strong Christian and attends church faithfully every friday and sunday.