User:Kalena lyon
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[edit] Kalena Jennifer Lyon
- Born 9/17/2006.
- Weight 8 lbs 8 oz.
Kalena Lyon lives in North Hollywood, California with her parents Justin and Jennifer Lyon. Kalena loves hanging out with her uncle Mark E. ShepherdTalk. Her father, Justin Lyon, is a computer technician for Bank of America. Her mother, Jennifer Lyon, is a nurse at the UCLA Medical Center. Kalena will be getting a baby sister in may of 2008. She is very excited.
[edit] Baby Talk
Well, since you’re here, you probably should know a little bit my family! If you already know us personally, then you know that we live our lives in total commitment to Jesus Christ. This decision, for both of us at different times in our lives, came through the recognition that we are sinners and in violation of God’s holy and perfect law that is written generally on the hearts of every person and specifically in His Word. Convicted of our sin by our own consciences, we repented to God for our sin and discovered the grace and forgiveness of our great Lord Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose again so that our sin would be paid for and that we would be redeemed and washed clean before God. We live every day in hope of that reality.
This decision came not from some emotional or psychological experience, but through logical and careful reasoning while studying the spiritual claims of Christianity and other religions, as well. The claim that the Bible is the true revelation of God to man, and that Jesus Christ was God in a human form is a scientific, logical, and accurate view above all historical evidence of any other so-called gods.
We strive to live our lives according to this Truth, found in a right understanding of the Bible, and to rid our lives of anything that dishonors or is contrary to this Truth. We believe the Bible is entirely inspired by God, thus making it God’s personal and specific communication with us. Everything we are, have, or have been blessed to do in this life is because of God; we are nothing and He is everything. Therefore, we desire to share this Truth with others, in hopes that they will also know the love and peace that Jesus gives to all those willing to repent and believe.
My parents met in 2000 at the church where we were both working in the Jr. High group and participating in Bible Studies. They were married in 2002 and were blessed by their first daughter, me, Kalena in 2006. In 2007 they began to care for foster children and their last child, Jade was with us for about months. We are expecting my little sister in the middle of May. ~Kalena