Kalonymus ben Todors

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Kalonymus ben Todors (d. ca. 1194) was a Provencal rabbi who flourished at Narbonne in the second half of the twelfth century. He bore the title Nasi, and was the leader of the community when Benjamin of Tudela visited Narbonne in 1165. He and his cousin Levi ben Moses were jointly leaders at a later time. From certain letters of Sheshet Benveniste to Kalonymus, it seems probable that the latter died in 1194. The letters are contained in a manuscript of the historian Joseph ha-Kohen. Henri Gross believes that Kalonymus is identical with "Clarimoscus filius Tauroscii," mentioned in a deed of conveyance of 1195 reproduced by Gustave Saige.

[edit] Bibliography

This article incorporates text from the 1901–1906 Jewish Encyclopedia article "Kalonymus ben Todros" by Isaac Broydé and Richard Gottheil, a publication now in the public domain.